Morning Radio

Jul 14, 2005 09:28

I was listening to the radio this morning and the station was having a contest to give away Avril Lavigne tickets. To win the tickets, you had to answer questions about our neighbors to the north- Canada. And they were easy questions:
  • What do Canadians call the last letter of the alphabet?
  • What is their 1 dollar coin called?
  • What is on the Canadian flag?
  • What is the capital?
  • What do Canadians call napkins? (I admit, this one I didn't know)
  • What is the second-most common language in Canada?
Now I know that morning talk radio contest callers are not always the brightest bulbs, but come on. Not knowing what is on the Canadian flag? The capital I can understand- most people in the US probably can't even name their own state's capital. But still... it was sad.

oh canada

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