Not to say that those of you who are Republicans or who live in the South are idiots- but it is saying that you are in larger than normal idiotic company.
The Daily Kos and Research 2000 had a poll to find out if people thought that Barak Obama was born in the US. There is a surprisingly loud "Birther" movement that claims he was actually born in Kenya and has knowingly covered it up so that he could become President. To beleive that, you have to think that he was able to:
- cover it up
- prevent anyone from Kenya from talking about it
- hack the official records in Hawaii to have it show that he was born there
- somehow get past Hillary Clinton and her team (who were not above talking up the "OMG! He's a secret Muslim!" bit) during the primaries
- somehow get past McCain and Palin and their team (who actively pushed the line that he "paled around with terrorist")
- somehow get past anyone else that went digging for dirt on him (and they outright made things up)
- AND got past any and all government officials and law enforcement that are suppose to check things like that
Seems kinda crazy, right? So it shouldn't be a large group that thinks he was born outside the US, right?
According to the
poll results released only 42% of Republicans believe he was born in this country. And only 47% of Southerners do. For Republicans 28% think he was born outside the US and 30% aren't sure. For Southerners 23% think he was born outsdie the US and 30% aren't sure.
There are only two reasons why so many people would think that despite all the evidence to the contrary and all reason why it is so unlikely that Barak Obama was not born in the US. First- they actually believe Rush Limbaugh or any of the other blowhards on TV and radio that make money by saying offensive and incorrect things about people. The second is that it is far less offensive to say that he shouldn't be president because he isn't American than to say he shouldn't be president because he is black, so racists have jumped on the idea enthusiastically.
Neither one of those reasons reflects well on the people in those groups. The racists? Nothing reflects well on them so there is nothign to say about that. On the conservative talking head side- that is more complicated. There is nothing wrong with most conservative political views, if you can separate out the conservative social views that the Republican party has let dominate their agenda. I agree with some of the political ideas, and disagree with others though I can still see the reason behind them. But conservative talking heads in the media seem to just be vicious, vindictive, and mean spirited. Taking their word as gospel is idiotic.
For that matter, taking the word of most people you don't know is idiotic. Democrat or Republican. North or South. Think for yourself. Check out what your hear and read if you think it is important. We are living in an age where information from all around the world is literally at your finger tips just seconds away. Just a century ago, telephones and TVs were not in even half the homes in the US, let alone around the world. Staying ignorant of facts you consider important is more of an act of will now. You have to be working on not paying attention.
So if you are a Republican or a Southerner, and you have a brain that you feed with good, reviewed, and researched information, then try talking to others in your group and let them know, politely of course, that the odds are high that they are idiots. And then help them learn how to think on their own.
Because they are making you look really, really bad.