The Sound of Rain, Softly Falling

Oct 02, 2006 00:53

It rained today.

For those of you still living in wetter climes, that's not really anything special.

But I haven't even seen rain since June 26th, and that was for twenty minutes on an interstate in Arizona on my way to the Grand Canyon. That makes three full months (and then some) without so much as a drop falling on my head. But today, as I was getting ready to go tutor, I stepped out of the shower, and was surprised because when I shut the water off, I still heard water falling. I almost ran to the window to see if it was true--and sure enough, it was. Honest to God rain. And it's continued raining off and on all day. It just started again about twenty minutes ago. I love the rain.

One qualification on that, however--Californians cannot drive in the rain. I also suspect that they may melt if they come into direct contact with it. It's amazing how few people go out in the rain here. Well, with the way they drive in the rain, I guess it's safer to stay inside.

On another note, I got a bike on Thursday. It was a sort of a spur of the moment thing, even though I've been thinking about it for a long time. I pulled into the KMart hoping to find a new 5-subject notebook for class this quarter. No such luck. But there were tons of bikes on sale. So I bought one.

I've already gone for two rides. I really like being able to get over to Goleta Beach from here. It's much quieter and friendlier than the beaches along IV, in my opinion. Somewhere along the line I must have gotten old, because I don't like beaches crawling with college students.

I'm off for now. Going to fall asleep to the sound of the falling rain.
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