The Difference According to Giuliani

May 07, 2007 18:44

I meant to put this up last week, but I was trying to wait and see if someone would post the video of this on YouTube because the video truly does it more justice.  What am I talking about?  I'm talking about the answer Rudy Giuliani gave to what was a very sensible question he was asked at the debate, given that he (along with all the other presidential candidates) have claimed to really know the situation in Iraq and how to get out of it.

The question:  What is the difference between Sunni and Shia?

Giuliani's answer, verbatim (again, the video would be so much better, he was stuttering and stammering and basically looked like a deer in headlights):

The difference is … the descendant of Muhammed. The Sunnis … the Sunnis believe that Muhammed's … the Caliphate should be selected, and the Shiites believe that it should be by descent. And then of course there was a slaughter of Shiites in the early part of the history of Islam, and it has infected a lot of the history of Islam, which is really very unfortunate.

Would any of my religious studies friends care to grade that answer?
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