A little after-school excitement...
Power Lines fall onto School BusWet ground from the excessive rain of the past week led to a tree falling - Nothing new there.
The tree fell onto Power Lines - Nothing new there.
The Power Lines fell onto a passing School Bus - that's the twist.
Now for the reason I am writing about this -
My younger son was on that bus!
All 30 kids and the driver were OK. The lines were dead when the hit the bus. The kids had to wait for Georgia Power to arrive and remove the lines from the top of the bus. In the meantime there were firetrucks and police cars all around keeping the excitement going. At some point the crews wee letting some kids off to get rides from parents who came to the scene, but I chose to just wait until he was delivered home. I didn't think another person added to the chaos would help and I trusted the driver to get him here.
It was kind of surreal seeing it on the TV and the Web, knowing he was on there. But knowing he was safe was kinda cool. I figured he would have some cool stories to tell after he got home. And he did. He got here about 45 minutes later than usual, so that part wasn't actually so bad.
He is telling me of how he spent the time there. He played "Titanic" - he took out his violin and started practicing. Apparently he did pretty well, too. He does say he doesn't know how many firetrucks or crew were there because the kids were not allowed to get up or move around in their seats. He just played his violin and looked forward.
I figure it will take another hour or so for the adrenaline to calm down. He said he also finished his homework there, so it will be an interesting evening...