Cell phone pic of Amber in the backyard.

Nov 20, 2008 19:10

Picture actually worked out well. I love the blur contrast. She has a tennis ball in her mouth playing fetch.
Fun Puppy!!!

Little name story -
When we got the pup her name was one we didn't care for and she didn't respond to it. They were calling her Paige. I instantly went to Amber and it was agreed upon by all present including pup.
This morning dad and I had the following exchange -
Dad - I want to rename the pup. How about "Rusti"
Me - If it was a Boy, then yes, but I already decided "Amber" was better for a Girl.
Dad - "Rusti" with an I?
Me - While "Amber" may be a "Ditzy" Name, "Rusti" (especially with an I) is more of a "Stripper's" Name.
Dad - I thought Strippers were called "Lexus" these days.
Me - Depends on the Club.
Dad - Or "Unique" spelled some funny way if she was Black.
Me - Anything spelled a funny way and claimed to be something translated from a language no one has ever heard of before is the civilian trend.
Dad - Ah. Well, I guess "Amber" works well enough.
Me - Yup. And she already answers to it in less than a week.
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