Apr 06, 2009 16:44
Threw my feelings out there, got them thrown back in my face.
Shit happens is not wordy enough for my weekend.
Did I mention that I'm going to Little Rock this weekend?
I am.
I am going to get beligerant probably.
Second time I've been denied a relationship in the same fashion.
I'll get over it the same way I always have, anger - sadness - melancholy - carefree (current mood) - then a personality change.
Also, writing down your emotions makes you feel better.
Learn something new everyday.
Don't make enemies out of this, turn it into friendships and move on.
Just keep telling yourself you're a better person anyway! :)
thanks to anyone that actually reads this and understands what I just wrote. Maybe I'll see you crazy little rocks peeps this weekend.
Kevin "The Shaw" Swilley
little rock,