Dec 23, 2008 19:33

Hi! Kevin here. Just leaving a message so everyone knows I'm alive! Yeah!

xP Anyway, family is almost all here now, still waiting on my cousing and his wife and son and my aunt and uncle from SC. Gonna be a big Christmas! :D Makes me happy. And sometime between my first vodka and sprite last night and when I woke up WITHOUT a hangover this morning I got some Christmas spirit and I've been running around singing carols and giving out hugs to random people trying to shop at wal mart all day. It's nice.

Well - I probably won't make another post until after da Christmas has come and gone, just so I can try to keep away from the compy and socialize with the family. So I will leave you with cute pic nao kk? K!

see more puppies

Travishaw out!

P.S. - MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE! Have a safe and wonderful one full of cheer.

2008, christmas, family, dog

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