"To fall in love is to create a religion that has a fallible god"

Mar 02, 2007 07:58

My friends, I have freed myself from the shackles of convention, and my eyes are open to a whole new horizon of possibilities

Let me explain. If you want to get a full 8 hours of sleep (which, let me tell you, is a real lofty goal around here), your first instinct is probly to take the traditional 12midnight-8am sleep schedule, maybe 1am-9am. But I have realized that, in all honesty, there's no reason you should have to fit into that if you don't have to. If your first [graded on attendence] class isn't until noon, then the 4am-12noon, couple w/ showing up about 10 minutes late to class, works just as fine. You still get the full 8 hours. And hell, if you don't have anything to do, there's absolutely nothing wrong w/ the 8am-4pm shift. Once again, 8 hours. So really, once you realize that the conventions of normal sleep schedules are really outmoded vestiges of our hunter-gatherer days, a whole new set of alternative sleep schedules opens itself up to you

Anyways, moving on

This be the Verse by Phillip Larkin

They fuck you up, your mum and dad.
They may not mean to, but they do.
They fill you with the faults they had
And add some new ones just for you.

But they were fucked up in their turn
By fools in old-style hats and coats,
Who half the time were soppy-stern
And half at one another's throats.

Man hands on misery to man,
It deepens like a coastal shelf.
Get out as early as you can
And don't have any kids yourself


So, I think I found a new favorite author.  Anyone here a fan of Jorge Luis Borges?  He's an Argenetinian, one of the founders of mystical realism . . . real, real good writer.  I mean sure, he's not as cool as Stephenson, not as entertaining as Bujold or Pratchett, doesn't have quite the flair and style that Gaiman does, but I dunno.  Something about his writing style is just really fun to read.  Plus, he has a way of delivering stop-you-in-your-tracks, roundhouse-punch quotes out of nowhere.  Like, in the middle of a dark, violent story about a coward set during the Irish Revolution, he busts out a pargaph like this:

"I blushed for this fearful man, as if I, and not Vincent Moon, were the coward.  What one man does is something done, in some measure, by all men. For that reason a disobedience committed in a garden contaminates the human race; for that reason it is not unjust that the crucifixion of a single Jew suffices to save it.  Perhaps Schopenhauer is right:  I am all others, any man is all men, Shakespeare is in some way the wretched John Vincent Moon"

Like . . . I don't even know what to say to that.  Where the hell does he get that from???  I just . . . man.  Maybe it's not as powerful out of context.  I dunno.  But for me, I had to stop and catch my breath after reading that.  I just don't know how he can pull out quotes like that.  Haha if any've you read the quotes I put up as away messages on my gmail, the last couple ones have been from him.  Seriously.  Guy knows what he's doing

. . .

*shakes head, comes back to reality*

If real life were like RPGs (yes, this is what I think about when I should be doing work):

"Hey Lanman, can I borrow your keys to the FU?"
"Well I don't know. The other day I lost my favorite pen. I think I left it in the Thermo Lecture Hall. Bring that to me, and I'll let you have the key"
*walks to the Chem building*
"Hey, have you guys a favorite pen lying around?"
"Hmm . . . I think I saw a man in a black hoodie walk off with it earlier to day. He said he was heading to Millikan Pond.  But careful, the Flems are having a house event over there.  Perhaps if you gave them a bottle of lube they would let you pass.  I think the RA of Ricketts House has one . . ."

And so on. O, and don't forget the random battles too. Man, some things just need to stay in games

"[BAC]Draxon|TWL: '"The animals will hear!' bellowed the ear licking penguin as the awesomely endowed midget sucked her oozing charlies and plugged his purple middle leg into her festering cunt.
[BAC]Draxon|TWL: oops
[BAC]Draxon|TWL: wrong window
d|syztem: what the FUCK"

Noah out
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