I finished coloring in the first strip, so here's the color version as well as the next two comics. I'll post chronologically as many strips as I have (which I think is two more) and then maybe the ones out of order, character sketches, etc. I have lots of character sketches of Lash, and plenty of Robert.
For the sake of anyone who doesn't care, I'll lj-cut the strips from now on.
You Look Lost
Robert meets Amber in full color!
Unlikely Defender
Robert meets Lash, to Lash's annoyance.
Scary Roomie
Revelations of roommate-hood.
Some of these strips may still be worked with - the first strip's color version looks a little bleached, I'll see if I can fix that... But we'll see how much I have energy for. Essentially, anything that's comprehensible in plain black and white, I'll leave that way until the day I long to color something.
I'm thinking about the story and there are bits dark enough that I'm not sure how I'm going to make them funny. Or if I should. But I'll be working on it. I love thinking about this campus - it's completely insane. It reminds me of Bennington, times ten. *wriggles happily* I adore it.
Also! Yesterday was HELLA hot, and then we came home and the neighbor's wireless network that we ride on must've been distracted by the party they had in the backyard, because it would not work for us. Today it is obviously fine again, thank goodness. *looks shifty* Not that we I could not live without t3h intarweb, of course...
Koi's mentioned getting our own, and I have to admit, I'm starting to think about it. Depending on someone else's to work for you is just silly when you actually need it to be dependable.
AND, I am the luckiest person ever, because I live with a gourmet cook, who is at this moment chefing her tasty little heart out in our kitchen, baking me a mocha cake (which is utterly delish) from scratch, with homemade fudge frosting. *dies drooling joyfully*