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news about the economy Links, links, links to read, read, read. I know it's a lot, so here's one for the TL;DR crowd:
Twelve facts about guns and mass shootings in the United States by Ezra Klein. It even has graphs! I love graphs, don't you?
Klein amended:
Mythbusting: Israel and Switzerland are not gun-toting utopias: This conversation was fascinating for all sorts of little reasons.
Other links on that list that jumped out to me:
Don’t Jump to Conclusions About the Killer by Dave Cullen, New York Times, July 21, 2012
The Geography of Gun Deaths by Richard Florida, The Atlantic, January 13, 2011, which Klein drew from.
Battleground America: One nation, under the gun. by Jill Lepore, The New Yorker, April 23, 2012: "One in three Americans knows someone who has been shot." What? "In an average year, roughly a hundred thousand Americans are killed or wounded with guns."