you can't spell fantasy without n-a-s-t-y [lol, this is a BoP post, whoa]

May 31, 2010 23:20



Look, sometimes the plot isn't always the best and the title was definitely on a rollercoaster of WTF as Simone's previous run ended, but dysfunctional Dinah, Babs, and Helena action?! YES. DO WANT. Though Ed Benes' art is making me raise an eyebrow. The art isn't very consistent in places. BUT! Benes did take part in the trade I really liked, wherein Shiva and Dinah open up cans of WHOOP ASS on people (and Shiva has to promise not to kill anyone while they're working together, lawlz) while Helena and Babs start their awkward relationship where Helena is all, "LOL, I broke into your batcave clock tower, biotch, how you like them apples?" and Babs is all "WTF?! Oh well, I got bigger problems right now--come save my ass, kthxbai!" And then they meet face-to-face and it's like, "Wow, this is awkward" and I'm all, "Jesus, Helena, get a better costume, please?!"

I didn't even realized I missed just Babs, Dinah, and Helena being all awkward and friendshippy and subtexty. I mean, Dinah just wants to love everybody but Helena and Babs are like, "We are way too similar to get along." When you have the same man in common in your past, that's gotta make for some awk. Babs/Dinah/Helena, yes? (Because, really, Dinah would have to be in the middle to make that work, y/y?)

Oh man, BoP. <3 I kind of feel like I should reread it.

Also, LOL, I see that the Green Arrow title has gone back to just being him. Does this mean Dinah and he are separated and I can entertain thoughts of my BoP dysfunctional family being all permanent?! Granted, there's some awkward dialogue here and there in this first BoP issue and I've been out of comics long enough to be confused as to where each is in her life--wtf, Dinah is working for Zinda, huh? and is Bat Girl still in Babs' life?--but the scene with Dinah, Babs, and Helena meeting up was just . . . yes. That's it in a nutshell. They've been through enough that it just made me smile. This probably also means that BoP fanfic is gonna be back on the map in the comics fandom. Aw yeah!

ETA: OMG, I wrote BoP fanfic in 2006. D: D: D: That . . . was a long time ago. D:

birds of prey, comics

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