Winners Dance School

Jan 08, 2010 11:03

So I was being nostalgic and watching (and loving) HyoYeon and Min's Little Winners Stage (miss this Hyo so much and I didn't even know her), when it occurred to me that I had never tried the Winners Dance School homepage. Apparently, WDS also has a Cyworld club page. And clicking around the profile links reveals some interesting things:

Whoa. )

dance, hyoyeon fan at work, i am a fan of hyj, kara, k-pop, min, translation, 4minute, snsd, snsd pics, winners dance school/little winners

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juneunhae January 9 2010, 05:13:07 UTC
Yeah! the article did make it seem like she was scouted from the internet. I guess audition stories are never reliable?? :D

I did some snooping around and there's a message from June 2005 in the messageboard asking for the title of a song that Hyo danced to in some high school event could it be possible she was still with them until then?
Hmm I'm not sure if you saw the video since that user got removed from YT but there was one of Hyo performing to a hiphop song at an outdoor Winners thing and I'm pretty sure she was older than the HyoMin performance cos she had her piercings :D unless my mind is playing tricks and I'm imagining stuff lol (should've saved that video >.<)

Yes I love Hyo in glasses too!!SO PRETTY!!

I know, I always forget that Hyunah and even CL are sooo freaking young.. and when I remember, i'm like...sflsgls.. Was watching IY yesterday and Hyunah is kinda a ditzy blonde kinda way .. Would've never imagined after seeing her on stage lol.

I wanna hang out with them too :P.. actually no! After looking at the Winners stuff, I want to be in a dance crew! it looks like so much fun !!! ^o^

>>yea I think there was an interview where they were asked what they did in their break and I think Hyo said she took classes/is constantly taking dance lessons to improve herself.

..I dunno.. but I'm thinking maybe they don't cos she's familiar with the teachers and many of them are her oppas so they're probably all just happy to see her!

Hm...Hyo, training and school always puzzles me... Did she really graduate?? there's no solid info on that ..although someone on ssf once said she got a certificate from the school in China..but she was only there for 6 months or something.. ahh so many things are a mystery.

PS... on the cyworld club page..there's a button 스타 인터뷰 under the bolded "오디션" column. In there there's a message saying SNSD's Kim Hyoyeon's Winners Dance School Introduction (소녀시대 효연의 위너스 댄스스쿨 소개). Does it show you anything?? ah its frustrating cos the videos for everyone else work but Hyo is coming up with a blank for me >.< not.impressed. ㅠ.ㅠ


greywing January 9 2010, 06:04:09 UTC
Well, I think she was probably scouted through Internet pictures and then invited to audition and that's when her mom was all, "Let's go see H.O.T!!"? Because they all have audition tapes. Jessica was spotted at the mall, SeoHyun on the subway--they were scouted and then had to go in and formally audition. (LOL SeoHyun's tape. :D)

there's a message from June 2005 in the messageboard asking for the title of a song that Hyo danced to in some high school event

Where the heck do you get your information?! Any idea if that was at her own high school? :O

I vaguely remember seeing a vid where Hyo danced at an outdoor event, but I can't remember much beyond like one image that's in my head. YT, why do you hate us so?

HyunAh I think is kind of flaily? I think it was her who said in one episode that she doesn't get along with others and that she doesn't have an "unni" and Sunny was like, "I don't have a dongsaeng!" and so they became an unni-dongsaeng pair. It was either HyunAh or HyoMin and I can't remember. ;_;

LOL, can you dance? :D

Taking lessons could mean hanging out at SM, though. Hyo, please to be less vague, thank you. (Why is so much a mystery about this girl, seriously?)

I don't know. I could picture her not graduating (*sigh*). And getting a certificate for language studies does not equal a high school degree. AND everyone keeps exaggerating how long she was in China!! I just saw some dude write that she studied over there for a year or more! No. Seriously, no. It makes her look bad if you exaggerate like that. Ugh, stupid people disseminating false info and stupid SM for exaggerating half the time themselves.

ARGH, nothing is coming up for me re: the video on WDS's cyworld but the post date is from 2009?!?!?!?!: 2009.03.15



juneunhae January 9 2010, 07:03:22 UTC
yeah!! You're probably right!

lol my snooping life became a lot easier after I learned the hangul letters and how to type 효연 in the search function :D
>>ooh I only looked at the club page before. Am looking at the official website now and it lists B-Boy competition in 2005 which is where the Hyo/Min performance to the Dirrty medly etc. is said to have taken place! So i guess we can say safely Hyo was still active in 2005 ??

Also it says:
- Winners was only established in 2001 >> wow they built up quite an impressive rep in a short time.
- Min trained for 5 years :O .. Do you think she got a 2 year headstart on Hyo or she stayed 2 years after Hyo??
- I guess they also do a lot of back-up dancing and CF work for other stars but they also listed them in the *one time training* thing you mentioned.
((aww I wonder if Hyo's back-up dancers were from Winners..that would be cute if she got her juniors to dance with her!))

I knoww...YT >I *wish* I could dance =(

yeah they want to leave us hanging for more..and its working... FRUSTRATING!! haha

Boo!!! Hyo-hunnies are doomed to live in a cycle of constant hope and disappointed.

--oohh GGTS is on tv!! HyoSica fight is coming up..have to take a break :D
I was always curious if the fight was staged or not ..>.


juneunhae January 9 2010, 07:32:39 UTC
--oohh GGTS is on tv!! HyoSica fight is coming up..have to take a break :D
I was always curious if the fight was staged or not ..>.

Which episode was that? I've always heard about it but never could find the actual vid.


greywing January 9 2010, 07:37:43 UTC
It was episode 2.


greywing January 9 2010, 07:52:32 UTC
I can type Hyo and all into things, but the amount of Korean spit back out at me is always overwhelming and confusing. :D

As usual, your detective skills impress. Wait, are Hyo and Min listed as performing at the B-Boy competition in 2005 or is only the performance listed and you know from other sources that Hyo and Min performed there?

Wait, they were only established in 2001?! So when the heck did Hyo start training there? Whut?

Hrm. Hard to say with Min. When did she start training in NY?

You don't think she'd use SM's trainees to be backup dancers? I was wondering that: who were the girls' backup dancers because just about all the solo stages had them! In fact, I think they all did.

Seriously, how is that we stumble upon Awesome Stuff and we can't even get to it?

LOL, more GGTS?! What is with all these retro-SNSD shows airing?

The eternal question about reality TV: scripted or no?


juneunhae January 9 2010, 08:23:00 UTC
my detective skills are only good for things like wish I had the same luck with school research :P

Anyway, uggh conflicting information is making me O_o..keke.

so the winners main page says Winners Dance School was established in 2001 but I found this interview there that says that Min and Hyo met at Winners in 1999. Could it be that Little Winners was a different thing and then Winners Dance School was set up??

그룹 소녀시대의 효연(본명 김효연·19)과 JYP 미국 법인의 신인가수 민(본명 이민영·17)이 초등학교 시절부터 친한 것으로 알려져 눈길을 끈다.

둘은 데뷔 전, 초등학교 2학년 때인 1999년 댄스학교 위너스에서 만나 가수의 꿈을 키워왔다. 그 이후 효연이 2000년 SM엔터테인먼트의 연습생으로 먼저 발탁되고, 민이 2001년 JYP 박진영 사단에 합류하며 소속사가 갈렸다.

2004년부터 미국과 한국을 오가며 데뷔 준비중인 민은 한국에 올 때마다 소녀시대의 효연과 만나 식사를 하고 집에서도 함께 지내는 등 각별한 친분을 유지하고 있다. 미니홈피 일촌과 국제 전화를 통해 서로의 안부를 묻는다. 둘은 최근 인터넷 미니홈피를 통해 함께 찍은 초등학교 시절 사진을 공개해 인터넷서 화제를 모았다.

이 사진을 본 팬들은 "둘의 앳된 모습을 볼 수 있어 재미있다. 둘 다 유명한 가수로 잘됐으면 좋겠다"고 응원하는 글을 올리고 있다.

I *think* it says something like "SNSD's Kim HyoYeon and JYP America trainee Min's close friendship since elementary school has been attracting attention.

The two met before debut when they were in Elementary School in 1999 at Winners Dance school and dreamed of becoming singers. After that, Hyoyeon was recruited by SM Entertainment in 2000 and then Min was picked up by JYP in 2001.

From 2004 Min who's been preparing for American debut has been going back and forth between the States and Korea. (But)whenever Min returns to Korea, she and Hyoyeon maintain a close personal relationship- meeting, getting food together and even hanging out at each other's house. (When abroad)They check in on each other through their minihompies and international calls.
The pictures they took together since elementary school and on their minihompy have been collected and have become an issue on the internet.

Seeing their pictures fans commented that "its fun to see their casual moments together and it would be good if they both become famous singers"

Oh and I think I figured out why those other groups were listed as having been trained by Winners too.
>> I guess some of their dance teachers go to the different companies and hold lectures or regular lessons there. Hyo's oppa used to teach lessons at SM before but now he teaches at JYP and Cube Ent. So I guess its possible for Hyo to get training from her old teachers while still at SM?

>>Using trainees as back-up dancers..I don't think SM allows that. They hire dance crews from different companies so that they can travel with them,if need be ?!?


greywing January 9 2010, 08:38:29 UTC
Since 1999?! 1999! Wait. What? That would make HyoYeon . . . 10 years old Western age and that would put Min at 8?!?! If that's true, they've known each other for (more than) half their lives already!

But . . . that would be so cute if that were true!!!

That is like the cutest article ever. :O Remember how you said that the couple that dances the chicken dance together, stays together? Hyo and Min would be like super soul mates dating back to past lives, ROFL.

But Min has been traveling back and forth from Korea to America since 2004?! She would have been 13! OMG. D:

Huh. Min was on TV with Rain? What? I have so many blanks in my information!

Ah, that would make sense if WDS lends out their teachers to the talent agencies. Hrm. Then that would make sense as to how Hyo could maintain her skills if she was just playing around at the SM offices in her downtime.

I guess they wouldn't want to reveal their trainees or maybe there are other issues that would make it hard to pack them up and travel, but . . . seems like they have all these resources in their trainees at their disposal. Strange. I mean, Hyo got to back up BoA, right?


juneunhae January 9 2010, 09:02:40 UTC
yeah these years are playing with my mind!! and the Korean/Western age thing makes it even worse..

Hmm..I guess if the article timeline is true then it kinda makes sense for Min because if she trained for 5 years then leaving for JYP America in 2004 makes it 4 years right? But for Hyo, I'm confused still.. so let's say she joined late 1999..stayed around to do those dance performances in 2003..then she was in SM full time?hmm.. I guess if her dance oppa and stuff were giving lessons in SM then, that's where she improved her skills..?? ahh too many possibilities, i give up =D

HyoMin bond is one of my favorites along with HyukSu, Junsu/Hyukjae/Donghae and GD-TaeYang <333

I think Hyo dancing with Boa was more of a "featuring" thing rather than having her back-up dance. It would make sense if they had their trainees do back-up dance since I heard they have 100s of them but I think there's the fear that they'd get passed up for actual debut if they're busy behind the scenes? Plus they have school/vocal/dance/acting/speech lessons and what not!

>>Oh and sorry I forgot to reply to the KJY PM reply u sent me. Got lost in the reading and replyng :S. But yeah, I had heard about the line up for the new boy band a while back..and sad that only Kyu Hwan was listed. Was hoping that Jun Young would be in somehow cos he seems to train along Kyu Hwan most of the time.. but things are looking negative.
And JY's not getting any younger :( *hugs*

VV oh, ok thanks!! I was hoping it would be a message to Winners thing since HyoRi and others had them. There's one with Seungyeon and Gyuri too and i'm not sure if SY was talking for both of them when she said she took classes there before debut. Gyuri was nodding along so maybe Ent. companies send their groups in training for dance boot camp before debut?? LOL

Hyo seems to be the most popular ex-Winners student though^.^..There are more pics of her than the others in the Winners family section...A few of CL too..but surprisingly none of HyunAh.


greywing January 9 2010, 09:17:35 UTC
I'm concluding that everything is just lies lies lies and the only way to really know what happened those years would be to raid HyoYeon's diaries pertaining to those years and see what she wrote, lol. Because I'm not trusting her to tell the story either.

If Hyo was a "featured" dancer with BoA, I can see how the experience of not being acknowledged and having all the pressure on her shoulders pushed her to want to stand on her own stage. Ah, but how it turned out . . .

That's right, the trainees are generally pretty young. I wonder how the older ones get by? Do they hold down jobs and train when they can?

Poor JunYoung. =(

I'm still trying to figure out the HyoYeon-Gyuri connection. When did those two become friends and how? Tiffany makes sense to me because she comes off as so bubbly and, like, forcing you to be friends because she's all over you before you can say "Hi" but Hyo and Gyuri? That's basically how I feel every time I find out Hyo is friends with someone. "How?"

You searched the pics? I didn't even realize there were pics. Did you just plug their names in?


greywing January 9 2010, 07:56:32 UTC
Huh. The Hyo video works at the Daum cafe site but it looks like it's just the MTV special episode? =(


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