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Feb 13, 2008 13:56

"Trials and Errors" got me thinking... have you ever imagined what Sailor Moon would be like if Setsuna, Hotaru, Michiru, and Haruka were the Inner Senshi and Rei, Minako, Ami, and Makoto were the Outer Senshi? While keeping their personalities and the age differences relatively the same...

It's easy to see some switches: Haruka as Jupiter, Michiru as Mercury; Makoto as Uranus, Ami as Neptune. Same sorts of powers or similar personalities. Setsuna would probably be more suited for Mars than Venus, though imagining Hotaru as Venus is kind of funny. Though Michiru might make a fun Venus and if we were to go with all the manga UST, Haruka would be slotted into Mars, lol. Setsuna could swing a Mercury, though Hotaru as Jupiter seems a little strange, though power-wise it might make sense?

Then if we keep Makoto as Uranus and Ami as Neptune, Minako as Pluto and Rei as Saturn? You'd get a pretty spiritual Senshi of Destruction, lol. Minako as Saturn would mean a pretty ditzy Senshi of Destruction (though Minako has always been able to pull it together when it matters on the battlefield). Minako would probably make a pretty good Pluto; she went it alone as Sailor V for quite some time. Though I could see Ami as Pluto for the logic of it, if not the resolution needed to make the hard decisions. Rei is too fiery for Neptune, but she could probably swing a Uranus. I couldn't see Makoto as Pluto or Saturn, though--too protective, I think. She'd never want to end the world.

Huh. A fun thought experiment.
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