hello, hello

Jan 21, 2007 16:57

Hi, flist. I've noticed some strangers have friended me so I thought it a good time to say hello to old and new friends and acquaintances. I know that a lot of people have been drawn here from one fandom or another and that I've been meandering from fandom to fandom lately, so apologies to anyone who friended this journal a long time ago and now has no idea what the heck I'm posting about these days. That said, I hope those I don't really know will drop me a message here. Heck, I hope old acquaintances whom I haven't spoken to in a while will say hi, too.

This started as a fandom journal, but it's evolved into a place where I like to share links or books or movies that I've enjoyed with others, so don't be too surprised by the questions. Feel free to answer some, parts, or all of the questions. I kind of got out of hand and it would probably take you a while to answer all of these. Also, feel free to ask me questions. It's only fair, really. I am screening comments, so please tell me if you would like your comments made public or not.

1. How did you find this journal? Presuming you found me through a fandom, what fandom were you coming from? What other fandoms are you involved in? (Favorite characters? Pairings? Do you write fanfic, draw fanart, or indulge in any other fandom activity?)

1b. I'm a pretty lazy fanfic reader, meaning I don't like slogging through lots of fanfic to find the good fic to read. What fanfics would you recommend from your fandoms? What are you all time favorite fanfics? (I was just reading Xena fanfic this weekend, which left me depressed and envious because they were that well written.)

2. If you read, what book(s) would you recommend? Why? Are you reading anything now? Is it good? Who are your favorite authors? What genres do you read? What was the worst book you've ever read?

3. What type of music do you listen to? Do you have a favorite artist? Song?

4. What anime/tv show/manga/comic are you enjoying right now? Are there any that you think people have to absolutely see/read? Do you read any webcomics? If so, which?

5. What's your favorite movie? Have you seen any recent movies? How would you review them? What was the worst movie you've ever seen?

6. Share an awesome link from the Internets with me? (It's a strange and scary place.)

7. What part of the world do you live in? What languages do you speak and/or write? (Optional questions: What ethnicity are you? Are you male or female?... because I end up assuming wrongly sometimes. Do you have siblings? Do you have any pets? Pick one: Cats or dogs? (I like them both, actually, but cats are easier to care for.))

8. What kind of food do you like? (I love food.) Whenever I try new foods or new restaurants, I'm never sure what to eat. What's a dish I should absolutely try (especially ethnic dishes)?

9. How old are you? Do you practice a religion?

10. Do you hate/resent me now for asking you all of these questions?
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