ficcing in the name of!

Nov 25, 2006 16:12

... and I did what they told me. (Actually, I don't.)

In the name of procrastination (all hail procrastination!), I was browsing through old fics and incomplete fics and here are some things I'd like to complete in my lifetime:

Started, but far from complete fics:

- Sabriel fic focusing on Sabriel and Touchstone, set in the time between Sabriel and Lirael and possibly overlapping with the events in Lirael - draft here

- Sabriel and Lirael fic, set after the events of Abhorsen - draft here

- Babs/Dinah fic set after BoP #99 (started but feels more like a bunch of disconnected shorts than anything resembling a cohesive story--I've actually been debating whether to put up pieces behind a lock but talked myself out of it every time) - too many canon problems that I can't work around

- possibly, possibly, the Mai HiME alternate universe starring Mononoke Hime Wolf Girl!Natsuki (this is a long shot) - teaser here, but I don't like it much

Fics brewing in my head:

- a couple shorts in what I'm beginning to think of as the Kitty!BoP verse >_>; My weakness for kitties + contrived reasons to get the BoPers to do what I want them to do.

- Runaways shorts

- ... Runaways alternate universe, in which the kids don't discover their parents' secret and--well, I don't want to spoil the events of the books for people planning to read it. *thinks* I've actually tried to start this but it's not very substantial.

- MO/BoP fusion No. Just no.
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