[meme] of lurve

Nov 01, 2006 13:59

1. Single, taken or crushing.
Yes, no... and maybe. Not so much. All I know is that when I figure it out, I'll be quite happy.

2. Are you happy with your life now?
I've actually been pretty happy lately. Something clicked around the end of high school that has let me let go of a lot of anger I used to have. I can still be an angry person over certain issues, though. Otherwise, aside from wishing I were more extroverted and took more initiative, I'm content as far as I can figure. (OMG, being single and being happy?! How is this possible in our modern-day world?)

3. When you meet the right person, do you fall in love with him/her fast?
No... but I sometimes experience a period of intense initial fascination that usually wanes.

4. Have you ever been heart broken?
I don't think so. *thinks* If so, I don't remember it.

5. Do you believe that there are some circumstances, where cheating love is acceptable?
"Cheating love"? Ahahahaha. What a horrible way to word it. I mean, that's just loaded language right there asking for trouble. *thinks* I'm not down with "cheating," but if people are perfectly happy having a polyamorous relationship and all the partners are okay with it, fine. The likelihood of this ever actually happening? Slim to none, I'm sure.

6. Would you take someone back even if he/she cheats on you?
Probably not. Something like that skews the way you perceive someone and all the interactions you have afterward.

7. Have you ever talked about marriage to someone else before?
Generally about marriage? Sure. Actually contemplating marriage? That would require being in an actual serious relationship. *snickers*

8. Do you want children?
No, I don't think so. I don't deal well with kids.

9. How many?
If I did have kids (good lord...), probably two so they can be siblings and cause all manner of havoc. I'm close with my own siblings and it's good stuff.

10. Would you ever consider adoption?

11. If someone likes you now, what do you think is the best way for him/her to let you know his/her feelings?
Tell me. Outright. Because like as not, I simply don't know or notice. I live with my head in the clouds, so you have to spell it out for me. Sadly, this has happened before. =(

12. Do you enjoy getting into relationships?
No. It makes me nervous as heck. Honest.

13. Do you believe in love at first sight?
Lust? Sure. =D

14. Do you believe you can change someone?
Why do good girls like bad boys? *laughs* That takes me back to a high school conversation... But, you know, a relationship is probably bound to change both people involved. I guess it's more about... do I want to change someone? Is that how a relationship should work? If you compromise, how much should you compromise? This is generally why I find relationships icky.

15. If you could get married somewhere, where would it be?
I don't know, but if it happens, I think I'd prefer a small wedding. Or just elope. Too much work to get married. (My cousin had a friend who got married in Hawaii... as in, they did not live there but held the wedding there and flew all their guests out there... as in, I believe they paid to have their family and friends flown out there. Way. Too. Much. Work.)

16. Do you give in easily when fighting?
I... don't know. I might call the argument off and shut up if I realize it's a moot point and neither of us is going to budge (like arguing politics with my parents or arguing about taking medicine with my mother, who upholds that cold pills must be like a miracle cure and my refusal to take them is foolish), but I tend to stick to my views. I'm willing to listen to other sides, though, and I like trying to see both sides of an argument even if I know I'm biased toward one view. If I get heated up, I need to cool down to think about it, and then if I realize I was wrong, I'll feel guilty and sometimes even apologize! (zomg!)

17. Do you have feelings for someone right now?
No. I think. >_>;

18. Do you ever wish that you could have had someone but you messed it up?
... No. Not in terms of wanting a long term relationship, no.

19. Have you ever broken a heart?
... Possibly.

20. If one day your best friend falls in love with the guy/girl you are deeply in love with, what would you do?
Prepare for a bitchfight ('cause that would be hot and attention-getting). Really, though, I'm so passive in regards to things that pertain to relationships that I probably wouldn't do anything.

21. Are you missing anyone right now?
Not romantically. Otherwise, yeah. Dana~... come back so that I can whine about inane things to you~~

22. Now you have to ask 5 of your friends to do this survey in their blogs.
I'm not gonna tag anyone, but have at it if you want, Chupacabras. Actually, I'm kinda interested to see your answers, merryhellraiser and saraswathi, if you chicas want to do it. How about you, ifuritka? Nemi refuses all memes. =(

In other news:

Ok, besides making me go "WTF?" at the blurb, is that Allison on the cover of #52? Because eeee! Allison! Drawn purdy on a cover--and not looking vaguely like Michael Jackson or a poser punk! But what does it mean? D: God, how in the heck is Vaughan going to conclude Y? I must know. Like now. I wish I had gotten into this series after it was done. *sigh* The cover and blurb for #53 made me LOL when I realized that Vaughan was using a character from that far back. What the hell? Also, can we get Rose on another cover before series' end? And not because the issue intends to do horrible things to her?


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