[fic] BoP: Attaccare, Ritirarsi, Arrendersi (Helena, Barbara)

Oct 14, 2006 12:42

Fandom: Birds of Prey (comic)
Characters: Helena Bertinelli, Barbara Gordon, with a dash of Dinah Lance
Rating: R, NC-17 for gratuitous adult situations
Word Count: ~8600
Disclaimer: Birds of Prey belongs to DC and is currently in the creative hands of Gail Simone.
Notes/Spoilers: Helena Bertinelli doesn't like to back down from a challenge, ( Read more... )

fanfic, birds of prey

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greywing October 14 2006, 22:12:35 UTC
Thank you and I'm glad you liked it. I've been enjoying your fics quietly since I've gotten into BoP (especially the 100 drabble challenge you've been working on), so I'm glad I could return the favor. =D

I was wondering about Dinah in Metropolis, too, because I always assumed she kept the same lease that she had before OYL, which was a Gotham store, wasn't it? I wish these things would get cleared up. (And how in the world did Dinah decide to hire Rose of all people?)

I think if I write anymore BoP fic, it'll have to be fluff after all this angst. =)


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greywing October 14 2006, 22:26:28 UTC
I like Rose and Thorn a lot--I really enjoyed the mini--but employing her... well, I'd never know when the girl who tried to take me out with a tama might appear and I don't know if I would entirely trust her to mind the store herself.

I've only recently got into comics and the DC universe, so I don't really mind Metropolis, although it seems strange that they're camping in Superman's city.

If I could write fluff, I would, but it doesn't come easily to me.


dien October 14 2006, 21:52:47 UTC
This is long. I will read it later.

In the meanwhile, dc_central. Broaden your fanbase by posting there, chica.


greywing October 14 2006, 21:53:51 UTC
Hey, you! *huggles* But that place looks big and scary. D:


dien October 14 2006, 22:01:55 UTC
Do eet or I will post a link to your story anyways.


greywing October 14 2006, 22:02:26 UTC
Or you could do that. =D


bop_femslash October 15 2006, 01:39:14 UTC
love this! it touches on the past issues between Barbara and Helena without getting all angsty and the friendship between Helena and Dinah. One point though, Barbara who had managed to use the roll to shuck Helena’s robe., you might want to use 'remove' instead of 'shuck'. Someone from canonistas could tell you how far apart Gotham and Metropolis are from each other. Yes, Fluff = good.


greywing October 16 2006, 02:32:42 UTC
I think it was angsty--but maybe the right amount of angsty? And I love the friendship between Helena and Dinah! I just had to include it here. (The first scene I wrote of this fic was actually the conversation between Helena and Dinah in Part II, where Dinah babbles on and on. =D)

You're right about that line; I remember writing it and thinking to myself, "That doesn't quite sound right" but never coming back to it. Will have to fix it in an edit. As for the distance between Gotham and Metropolis, from what I could gather from wiki, the DC universe has put out conflicting reports. =/ Thanks for the suggestions and for reading! =D

Oh, and thank you for adding me to the fic listing--I was really confused by your other comment and had to ask myself how in the world you managed to find those random flashfics/ficlets.


bop_femslash October 16 2006, 03:21:34 UTC
may I have this fic formatted for the ebook group?


greywing October 16 2006, 03:23:37 UTC
Sure... as long as I'm not doing the formatting? Because that would go down badly.


amarin_rose October 15 2006, 02:13:04 UTC
I normally ship Babs/Dinah myself but this was just perfect. Insanely in character; I almost thought this was the narrative version of a comic! :D


greywing October 16 2006, 02:34:54 UTC
Insanely in character; I almost thought this was the narrative version of a comic! :D

Wow, thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it; I think that's the highest compliment I could have received. I wasn't sure about the characterization I had given Helena and Babs, since I kind of felt I had to force them to be a little OOC to make the scenario play out, but I'm glad you think it worked. (And I secretly ship Babs/Dinah, too, but... I'm weak to antagonistic relationsihps. =D)


angharad_gov October 15 2006, 06:17:06 UTC
enjoyed this very much. glad there's someone else out there who loves the idea of helena/babs. you have no idea how happy this fic has made me :)


greywing October 16 2006, 02:36:13 UTC
Glad I could be of service. ;) (There really is a lack of Babs/Helena outside of TV continuity--I think it's because Dinah/Babs tends to scream out "OTP!")


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