Happy Valentines. Especially to my hoslover(s). I apologize for my lack of sappy ShizNat and/or RoyAi updates today, but in addition to my suddenly heavy school reading (WTF, Invisible Man, boring Locke, Paine, and the Spanish that always kicks my ass?) I am reading Emerging Lesbian Voices from Japan, which is creating all sorts of problems in my head as I thought it would, so wait until I can wrap my mind around things. (And maybe there'll be sappiness and WAFF in the future.)
For anyone interested in the book itself, it's a mishmash of sociological study and analysis as well as commentary on the practices of sociological studies, etc., itself, which I find interesting but others may not. (It almost makes me want to contemplate a soc minor again.) It's also very interesting because it's from a Western viewpoint looking at the (in)visibility of lesbianism in Japan, so you get a lot of comparisons about the differences of thought (like attitudes towards women's studies as well as the very differing idea about "coming out" which I'm just getting through now), as well as the notion of the "West" and how it is used. Very, very interesting, though I kind of wish married lesbian women had been included in the study but it seems like they weren't or the women who were married were (getting) divorced. (I kind of skimmed through the introduction.) Suffice to say, it has made me think about Shizuru's character in many new lights, as well as her future prospects. Don't even get me started on Natsuki and the whole can of worms that I've opened for myself. Anywho, I'd be surprised if I didn't finish it before the end of the week. A quick skim of Queer Japan reveals a collection of personal stories. If/when I get around to it, I'll probably read the lesbian accounts first, followed by the bisexual accounts, and lastly gay men's.