Jan 10, 2009 05:35
So today we go into the childrens museum. Derek and I will be suited up and giving a combat demo, he will half way take it easy on me for a chunk of it considering that I have been fighting sword n' board for,,,,, 2 days now :D I also get to be slung around, well not really slung around but knocked back onto my ass to where he will step on my sword arm and nail me in the face. Fun times. On the brighter side of the money issue, after today we will be working on bigger money making projects so my cash flow will get closer to where it should be and I can cover my share of bills. That is one thing that has been weighing me down, lack of money to cover myself, but like I said, things should turn around now that we have most of the gear done for the museum as far as our own armour and some of the kid sized pieces.
Going back to bed now.