Aug 18, 2008 12:41
I win, mutha fucka!!!!
I use to live in a trailer park just over a year ago. When I moved in they "gave" me the trailer I lived in. There was a $3000.00 lien against it from back taxes from the guy who lived there before me. I then, 4 years later, moved out and into my house. They said that they (the trailer park) does not pay back taxes on trailers and that I was the one that had to pay it. I then told them that they had 4 years to give me the title in which they did not therefor they FAILED in their job, that I never signed for the title, therefor I did not legally owe the money and that they will be the ones stuck with the bill and not me. they didn't like that one bit and I kept trying to talk to the bitch in charge and when she said I never called I raised my voice and said "bullshit". She then said nothing, walked to the phone and called the police stating that I was trespassing. I left and called later telling them to leave me alone blah blah blah in my usual voice when I get angry and their security guard called me stating that I had "scared the women in the office".... You have no idea how sexist that fucking sounds to me. Had in issue in Tennessee to where I did not get my pay check on time because of 9-11 and I got pissed went outside growled and kicked my tire... The "women" called the cops. I found that out later when I went to work and they said I had been fired by the temp service. I went back and talked to them and they said they thought it best I did not work at the warehouse at that time blah blah blah. I told them that my supervisor said to get my job back any way I can and they said no. I asked why and they said I scared them and they said "you are a man and we are just women".... Ok, these were 4 women and any single one of them had 80 pounds on me easy, they could have gotten together and taken me down... They didn't like it one bit when I told them that was a sexist thing to say.... Anyway, back to the trailer park story. The security guard said that there were no open threats on the message (no threat laws in Indiana anyway dumb shit) but I am still not to go back onto the property. Anyway, I was told by a lawyer to tell them that unless they can show proof that I owe the money that they are to leave me alone. I told them that and walked away from it and later on I checked and the trailer was no longer in my name. So now we have what is going on now. they are now trying to get me for part of Augusts rent of something like that when I was out on July 8th of 2007. got a letter in the mail stating that I am to contact some creditor in 30 or they will take that as the claim being valid. I called and said I would not pay it due to me being out on july 8th and he checked the records that said that I did give my 30 days notice and gave a forwarding address. he then said he would call me the following week which he did not and just last week I got another letter in the mail. I got pissed, called the trailer park cussed them out like a dumb shit (need to learn to watch my temper and bite my tongue when I'm pissed think i will have an easier time doing it after this). I called him back a bit ago and told him about the letter and that I called the power company and they are going to send me a letter showing that I had the power taken out of my name at the trailer and put in my name at my house on 7-8-2007. He said great and that he would be willing to send me a copy of my file that shows I did everything I was supposed to do and there will be an envelope in there and to make a copy of the letter from the power company and to send it to him. He said that the last letter to me was sent by mistake and that it is in fact the trailer park that has 30 days to respond or they are going to throw the case out. I asked him if he could actually get my security deposit back and he seemed more than happy to help and he told me he will see what he can do.
God damn that is a great way to start the fucking day. Mikey mikes in a happy place right now.
See... what I wish everyone would know,, is that if I am in the wrong I am more than willing to correct the issue,,, however if I am in the RIGHT I will stand my ground and not back down even if I fuck myself over in the process.