Rescue Complex

Dec 18, 2014 10:30

This fucking COTH blogger is driving me insane with her nonsense.
We are three blogs in so far and the short summary is:

Blogger runs a ottb rescue and one day an NFL player showed up with hos horsey girlfriend wanting to get a horse. He had his heart set on a particular horse but blogger does not think it is a good match because NFL player is a beginner.

Blogger goes into full on I Am A RESCUER And No One Else Could Possibly Take Sufficient Care Of This Horse mode. Are we surprised?

So she sets up situations designed to get the NFL player to fail except whoops he passes.

Then she sets up a list of things he has to do like ride 5x per week and take lessons 3 of those times with a trainer of her choosing even though he lives like 500 miles away so does she even know anyone in his area?, and he has to call her every Sunday
He agrees to this and she is surprised when he actually calls.
Lady, this man plays at the very top of his sport and you are ...ummmm, no where near the top of yours. I think he knows a thing or two about dedication, commitment, and following through with the plan.

Then he shows up again after anoth 500 mile trip and she is amazed at how improved he is.
Again, let us assess our relative positions in our respective sports and assess the work ethic demonstrated thereby. Did this woman bother to learn how to ride even 3rd level at her chosen profession? Can she even train a horse to do tthe First Years? I doubt it.

This whole time they are waiting for the horse to get sound.
Yep, he's in training with his rider at the rescue (who is not, btw, the blogger), he's going on demo rides, but apparently he's not sound.
This is how we wait for our horses to become sound? Must be a new technique.

So the lady runs a rescue in which she is either riding unsound horses, or lying that sound horses are not, all because she is resisting adopting a horse out to a person who is willing to jump through every ridiculous hurdle she sets up for him and has demonstrated more want to in her limited interaction with him than she has in her entire riding career.

Oh and the one time she taught him a riding lesson by getting down on all fours and having him ride her, which what the actual fuck lady...

She remains concerned, however, that he will be too heavy for the horse.

I hate these idiots.
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