last night was amazing. sucked that they made me take my camera back to the vehicle before the show. front row center during the show. we hung out with "the chad" (drummer of breaking benjamin) for about 30 minutes before the show and 15 after. he made it a point to get one of the sticks he used to us after the set. got a pic with him after the show (had to run back to the vehicle to get the cam), also got him (and ben) to sign my phobia album cover and old "there's no place like home" tour t-shirt. we also hung out with mark (bassist of breaking benjamin) and parker (rhythm guitarist for evans blue) before the show. my wife surprised freddie (breaking benjamin's tour manager) by asking him for his autograph after the show. we missed out on getting mark and aaron's because they kinda disappeared once we got outside after the show. i got handed a pick from both ben during the show and mark after the set (i think because of my bb tat).
breaking benjamin, honestly, were the best i've seen them perform yet. 1:15 set. show ended at midnight. straight up awesome the whole way through. energetic as hell. this was the first headlining show this leg of the tour. ben chugged two miller lites during guitar changes. tried a third right before the encore and only got it 3/4 down, and tossed it.
setlist (in the best order i can recollect):
shallow bay
diary of jane
dance with the devil
had enough
sooner or later
simple design
so cold
blow me away
evans blue was pretty awesome, despite all the crap they had go wrong at the beginning of the set (fuse blowing in parker's head, forcing him to use ben's backup; matisyn getting pissed at the vocal mix and kicking over ben's fan). songs i remember: beg, a cross and a girl named blessed, cold (but i'm still here), the tease, stop and say you love me, over, and at least three or four more.
as fast as (the opening band) wasn't all that bad, for their genre of music, but it didn't blend with eb or bb. lead singer had some balls to pull out a ukulele and play it with a phaser effect, however i must say the cover of creep by radiohead when he used it was awesome. they had a seven song set.
i think that covers everything...
oh wait... the ditsy blond trying to use her (lack of) sex appeal poking me before evans blue's set and asking me "can i get in front of you?" then giving me pouty lips and eyes when i said no. let me think... my birthday (which i share with mark and my stepson, coincidentally enough) present was tickets for this show, we drove 6 hours to get there, and waited outside since three pm to get where we were in the crowd... do you think i would give up my spot? what would you do?
eight pics (didn't get to take any during the show:
the buses (leftmost - evans blue, two on the right - breaking benjamin)
amos's sign
the stick
the picks (front)
the picks (back)
the album cover
ben (after i ran back to get the camera, the line was about 50 people deep)
me and the chad (yes, i'm friggin' huge now. :( )