I've been re-watching season 1 and 2 lately and since a lot of stuff happens in the bathroom at Meredith's I had a question. Is the bathroom where we have all of the George in the shower with Mer and Izzie walking in, etc. the only bathroom in the house? I always sorta figured that Mer had her own bathroom in her room since Izzie made it seem like the house was all great when they first moved in and stuff. But a lot of the times I've seen Mer in the same shower that George has been in. So if there is only one, where is the tub that Mer/Der are in during the whole getting back together/tub scenes of season 3?
That is my really long winded explanation of what I'm trying to ask. It's nothing really pertinent to the show, but I've been curious about this as of late because of the Mer/Der stuff in season 3 and then looking back at seasons 1 and 2.