Gender: female
Location: Vienna/Austria
Your Weaknesses: coffee-addicted
Your Strengths: open minded, leader *hehe*
Your Talents: writing, reading, working on historical stuff with kids
Favorite Color(s) and why? BLUE - i just love blue. blue scrubs, blue jeans, blue shirts, blue bras ... it's one of the colours that show who I am, my sister always says.
Favorite Place(s) and why? STARBUCK's couch - Why? I can read there, have my laptop with me and surf, drink lots of coffee, meet friends .. and its smoke free - perfect place to be
Favorite Movie(s) and why? The Last Metro - everybody who has ever seen this amazing Catherine Deneuve movie will agree with me on that. But I also love "House of Mirth" because the book was amazing and the movie is just missing a small scene, and Gillian Anderson was amazing as Lilly Bart.
Favorite Book(s) and why? "House of Mirth" and "Age of Innocence" - both by Edith Wharton. Why? They show pictures of indipended women in a time where nobody asked a woman what she would think about this and that.
Favorite Television Show(s) and why? Grey's Anatomy - I just love that Addison look such a lot. But also X-Files (oldie but goldie, I know), Snowy River, McLeod's Daughters sometimes .... what else? House of course and Bones.
Favorite Food(s) and why? FISH - I just love it. I am not much into meat at all, at least no pork for me. I love fish because its not heavy and you can cook it in so many different ways
GA Related
Which character (no matter how obscure) would you like to be your best friend? Why? Addison. Period. I just love her. There are so many reasons - her fashionable cloths are amazing, how can you run around in those heels for so long ... she is tall, beautiful and she has this cocky eyebrow .... and this amazing lock.
Which character would you like to be involved with romantically? Why? McDreamy probably ...
Which relationship would you choose out of those on the show? Why? I'd start with a big Addiso/Alex thing, then a huge McDreamy jealousness scene and end with Addison/Derek in the end because they cant live together and not really seperate ... well see. This shower sex scene was just hot, amazingly hot. And the telefon scene where she says that they try to have some decent sex ... just fell of my sofa laughing. It's this special amazing mix they have together.
Digging Deeper
If you knew that you were going to die tomorrow, what would you do?
Put the following words in order according to your priorities : Self, Money, Love, Power, Family
1. family
2. love
3. power
4. self
5. money
Promote the community in one place and show us the link. (promo banners are in the userinfo) Vote on atleast one other app. (Just state the name of who you voted on) you mind what gender you are stamped as? we'll i wouldnt care which it is but a female with addison would really me cute.
Anything else you'd like to share with the class?">
me .... i think a pic of me would be a nice idea: