The Basics
Name: Kristin
Age: 16
Gender: female
Location: Massachusetts
Your Weaknesses: I'm indecisive. It's sad really, I tend to bother other people until they make all of my decisions for me. I get annoyed very easily and am prone to mood swings.
Your Strengths: I can make people laugh when they're in a bad mood. I find this funny because it annoys them XD I like to think of myself as creative and I'm very open-minded.
Your Talents: I can write a mean english paper! I'm not particularly talented. I'm told I'm good with arts-y things but I don't really see it. Guess I'm just skilled at being annoying! Oh, and decorating. And my head is FULL of useless movie facts.
Favorite Color(s) and why? blue, purple, green, in that order. I like blue because I'm fascinated by water I suppose. That must sound weird but I mean waterfalls, things like that. It's also very calming. I like purple because it's girl-y and I've recently realized that - gasp! - I actually want to act like a girl now! Doesn't growing up suck? And green because it's fun and reminds me of nature. Forests, random jungle animals, stuff like that.
Favorite Place(s) and why? Rag Rock. It's a cliff-y-ish thing in my town. I don't know if it's big enough to be a cliff but if you fell off you would either break lots of bones or die so I consider it one. The view is amazing, especially as the sun is setting. It's a really nice place to go and think. My friends and I went up a lot last summer and I have never felt so at peace with the world. :)
Favorite Movie(s) and why? RENT. The music is amazing, the characters are lovable, the story is wonderful, the story behind it is interesting, what's not to love? Other favorites of mine are Back to the Future (how cool is time travel?!), Lord of the Rings (I want to keep a hobbit as a pet. Seriously.), The Faculty (ALIENS!), and Stephen King's The Stand (um.... because it's entertaining...?).
Favorite Book(s) and why? The Jessica Darling series by Megan McCafferty. Jess is funny and sarcastic so reading her journal is entertaining. I would love to be friends with her. Marcus Flutie is also a fictional God. Another book I really love is Locked Inside by Nancy Werlin. I read the whole thing in one night and that's not something I do often. The main character, Marnie, was really easy to relate to (and not just because she lived online) and the story was entertaining. I was hooked. Go read it.
Favorite Television Show(s) and why? Grey's Anatomy is my number 1. There isn't one character I don't like and it's just good television. The acting is great, the story is always interesting and it's hilarious. My number 2 is The OC. I love the drama, the characters, it's just a typical teenage thing to love I guess. Plus Seth and Summer are adorable.
Favorite Food(s) and why? My favorite food is actually something my mom sort of invented. It's called Pasta a la Sandy (named after my mom :P) and it's penne macaroni, chicken, cheese, broccoli, tomatoes and garlic. It's my favorite food because it's basically the best food ever. Pasta is my favorite 'type' of food, chicken is chicken, cheese should be its own food group and the fact that half the time I don't pick out the veggies and eat them is a plus (I make no effort to eat healthy foods). Now I'm hungry....
GA Related
Which character (no matter how obscure) would you like to be your best friend? Why? Probably Izzie. She's so girly and enthusiastic all the time; she would be a good influence on me. She seems like the type of person you could talk about anything with over board games and junk food. Who doesn't want a friend like that?
Which character would you like to be involved with romantically? Why? GEORGE! I love George. He's so sweet! He has this puppy dog look about him. Gah.
Which relationship would you choose out of those on the show? Why? Cristina and Burke are my favorite. I love that they're so different and somehow that just works for them. They shock each other too which I usually find comical XD
Digging Deeper
If you knew that you were going to die tomorrow, what would you do? I would get all my friends together and go hang out at Rag Rock for a while and then spend the rest of the day with my mom, either talking or watching movies. I'd let her choose.
Put the following words in order according to your priorities : Self, Money, Love, Power, Family Family, Self, Love, Money, Power
Promote the community in one place and show us the link. (promo banners are in the userinfo) Vote on atleast one other app. (Just state the name of who you voted on)
Do you mind what gender you are stamped as? nope
Anything else you'd like to share with the class? Pepsi and cats make the world go round.