Welcome to
greys_exchange, a hiatus fic exchange challenge for the show Grey's Anatomy! Your current exchange mods are
lilianvaldemyer and
shopfront. This exchange is about keeping busy between seasons of our favourite medical drama.
greys_exchange is multi-pairing and allows both het and slash, and for this round we'll also be allowing Private Practice and Real Person Fic pairings.
- Sign ups start now and will close on Saturday, 14th of July at midnight American EST time.
- Exchange assignments will go out on Saturday, 21st of July.
- You will then have six weeks to write your exchange fic, which will be due on Saturday, 1st of September.
- Flaming, bashing or trolling of ANY kind will not be tolerated. Ship preferences are to be respected. This is a One Strike And You're Out rule. You have been warned.
- Stories archived at greys_exchange remain the property of the writer and are not to be posted, archived or redistributed elsewhere, except where the writer permits.
- This community is only for the posting of exchange stories. No promotion, no icons, etc.
- Participants must be 15 years of age or older to take part in an exchange.
- Participants must be 17 years of age or older to write or receive an NC-17 rated story.
- Participants are strongly encouraged to have their stories beta-read before submitting as good spelling, grammar and punctuation is a requirement. Stories don't have to be perfect. They do have to be readable.
- All stories must be at least 1000 words in length and COMPLETE.
- Stories must be the original creation of the participating writer. Borrowed words and images must be credited and kept to a minimum. Songfics and crossovers are not allowed.
- All exchange participants MUST nominate THREE pairings they'd like to see written, and AT LEAST TWO must be Grey's pairings (eg. Meredith/Izzie, Addison/Derek, etc.)
- Writers are only required to write ONE of the pairings requested of them, and they are not required to go beyond the pairing you request. Please don't include prompts or restrictions (like "I only like happy George/Izzie") as they won't be passed on to your assigned writer, and they are also not obligated to write that specifically.
- If we need to contact you via email about your exchange assignment please remember to respond to us, we're emailing for a reason!
- If you sign up for the exchange we do expect you to treat this as a formal commitment, and to make a serious effort to fulfill your commitments.
- When the exchange is finished and you've received your fic don't forget to politely and graciously thank the writer who has worked hard on your gift fic!
While we do expect you to treat your commitment here seriously, we understand that sometimes things happen. If anything changes and you won't be able to complete your assignment, LET US KNOW A.S.A.P. We can't stress this enough. There will be someone working hard on your gift fic, so we need as much time as you can possibly give us to find a pinch-hitter to write for your recipient so that they get a fic in exchange for their own hard work.
Please also be aware that you likely won't recieve a fic if you drop out of the exchange, and if you drop out without any notice you will not be allowed to participate in future exchanges. Things like having writer's block or not planning appropriately around other commitments won't roll here. Please remember that people who drop out are stressful and upsetting for everyone involved and the whole situation puts a number of people under very tight deadlines.
- Before signing up, read A Guide to Participating in Fic Exchanges, by Someone Who Knows. This post describes the exchange process and what your moderators expect of you when you agree to participate.
- First you need to join the community, so that we can give you posting access when the exchange deadline rolls around.
- Copy and paste from the textbox below into a comment. Please fill out ALL of the form, we can't officially include you in the exchange until you've provided all the information we've asked for.
- When listing pairings that you are willing to write, please list as many as possible. It will make it easier to assign you to another exchange participant.
- Please note that while we will try our very best to assign you a participant who requests one of your first choice pairings, sometimes that isn't possible.
Username/Penname:Email address:Are you over the age of 17? What do you want written for you?First pairing (Grey's Anatomy):Second pairing (Grey's Anatomy):Third pairing (Grey's Anatomy OR Private Practice OR RPF): What can you write for someone?Nominate TWO first choice pairings:Nominate AT LEAST ONE additional pairing, AND as many additional pairings as you are willing to write:Could you be available to pinch-hit if necessary? A sample exchange registration might be:
Email address: greysexchange@gmail.com
Are you over the age of 17? Yes.
What do you want written for you?
First pairing (Grey's Anatomy): Alex/Addison
Second pairing (Grey's Anatomy): Meredith/Izzie
Third pairing (Grey's Anatomy OR Private Practice OR RPF): Katherine Heigl/Kate Walsh
What can you write for someone?
Nominate TWO first choice pairings: Izzie/Mark, George/Alex
Nominate AT LEAST ONE additional pairing, AND as many additional pairings as you are willing to write: Alex/Addison, Derek/Mark, Izzie/George, Mark/Meredith, Addison/Naomi, Katherine Heigl/Kate Walsh
Could you be available to pinch-hit if necessary? Yes.
Comments and questions can be directed to greysexchange@gmail.com.
Sign up here. Comments are screened. Sign ups close on the 14th of July.