Title: Drop a bomb (gently)
Author: zvi
witchqueenRecipient: Lauren
kasumi_grlPairing(s): Cristina & George
Rating: PG for expletives
Summary: I miss you. Er, by you, I mean all of you. Not that you aren't part of-.
Cristina Yang Failed at High SchoolDisclaimer: Grey's Anatomy is not mine; I am making no profit.
Drop a bomb (gently) )
Comments 17
I really enjoyed the ambiguity of why George and Callie split up (cheating vs. falling apart on it's own) Nice touch with him only really talking to Bailey and Callie. George is a shitty husband but a great friend, he'd probably end up being the world's greatest, most loving and supportive ex-husband.
Izzie is possibly my least favorite character now. Like, Derek is a douche, but I sort of understand why he's a douche ... he just assumes that people like him, so whatever he does is OK. And that's probably worked out pretty well in the past. But Izzie ... I do not even know what her problem is, except that she's twisted up over Denny and doesn't want to lose her best friend.
Your story is what I'd like to see happen, more or less, which is George handling his business by himself. I think he has a tendency to play dumb if he thinks he can get away with it. A season or two to pull his shit together professionally and personally and get over himself. Then maybe Callie can have the husband she deserves, that she can see in him.
In short, Izzie sucks. So does George, but he might be able to turn it around. Callie rules, but needs to get her own storyline for a while.
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