Another Meme...

Feb 29, 2008 14:19

Stolen from Cami who stole it from Alicia...

Copy, Paste, you know what to do.

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tv_junkie118 February 29 2008, 22:49:29 UTC
1. Do you have a tattoo? Yes 3 to be exact. One is actually a set a lady bug inner left ankle and Angel wings with a halo. They are not random there is meaning behind them.
2. How old are you? 30 something
3. Are you single or taken? Single
4. Eat with your hands or utensils? Utensils..but pizza and sandwiches and finger food are made for the hands.
5. Do you dream at night? Yes all the time.
6. Ever seen a corpse? Yes
7.George Strait or Jay Z? I will go with Jay Z ... George Strait WHO????
8. How did we meet? LJ I commented on UEF and said how much I loved the name Trinity

9. Whats your philosophy on life and death? Life , live it to the fullest and just enjoy it because you never know when it will end. Death I guess it will happen one day very very far down the road.
10. If you could do anything with me, and have no one know, what would it be? Spend the day Stalking Sara just you and me.
11. Do you trust the police? Yeah even though most are jerks
12. Do you like Country music? UMMMMMMMM NO
13. What is your fondest memory of me? The day we spent together in NYC.
14. If you could change anything about yourself what would it be? Probably be thinner
15. Would you cheat ? on another person NO
16. What do you wear to sleep? Lounge pants and a t-shirt
17. Have you ever peed in a pool? Hello I went to summer camp didn't everyone pee in the pool at one time or another.
18. Would you hide evidence for me if I asked you to? If need be off course
19. If I only had one day to live, what would we do together? I think I would bring you to NYC again and see all the stuff you didn't get to see the first time.
20. Which do you prefer - short or long hair? long hair
21. Do you sing in the shower? sorry to say NO... I guess I am just not a singer.
22. What's your favorite color? Blueishpurply
23. If you could bring back anyone that has passed, who would it be? I think my friend Suzi I would love to spend one day in Hawaii with her.
24. Tell me one interesting/odd fact about you? I know how to tap dance and I love to scrapbook.
25. What was your first impression of me? Cool girl and very interesting.
26. Have you ever been out of the country? yes once
27. What's your favorite day of the year? Christmas day... I basically see everyone that day who I now consider family.
28.What is your favorite movie? The Breakfast Club and a bunch more but that one for some reason tops the list.
29. Will you post this so I can fill it out for you? I was the originator today.


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