Dec 26, 2009 03:57
Dear Reader,
Welcome to my personal blog. Locked inside these computerized walls are much of the written content of my a little bit of everything life. I enjoy learning and exploring. My varied interests permeate my daily thoughts and by extension my blog.
Although I know (in person) a strong percentage of the people whose blogs I follow, I am open to developing online friendships through shared interests. I only request that when commenting in dicussions with me or my friends, that everyone remain respectful and compassionate toward each other. Many of my friends are not comfortable with any online blog leading back to them, and I ask that if you know my name or the names of any of friends, that you do not use them in reference with these blogs. Some people have sensitive or high profile jobs, but they still enjoy being part of an online community. Be kind. Safe online playgrounds are more fun.
Lastly, I vent from time to time about my life, family, job, writing, profession, etc. I use nicknames to disguise locations, people, work places, and so on because my venting isn't meant to harm anyone by spreading rumors or speaking poorly of specific people or institutions. I do sometimes have trouble coming up with nicknames, so I may change them from time to time.
If you still want to read and participate in my blog, please see my interests. Maybe we have something in common.