Nov 20, 2008 00:30
Watching it back to back with Casino Royale (double feature at Belmont) really emphasised just how bad it was. If you are lucky enough to watch it as stand alone it could possibly pass as entertaining, but only if you are a hyperactive retard who enjoyed the shitty Bourne films.
My review for Casino Royale was as follows :
Casino Royale: Oh yeah! Almost no gadgets, a 1 minute car chase scene, Bond getting hurt, Bond having character development, Bond being able to act, sexy but not silly chicks. It was great, a 007 movie I have already watched again.
I would have changed the last 2 minutes, as it wasted the opportunity for a great recurring nemesis and was a tad contrived, but still well worth your money. To further indicate how impressed i was, if Craig puts in 2 or 3 more performances of that quality he will surpass Connery as the best Bond of all time.
Well you can pretty much reverse all of that except White does get away to become a recurring villan. Gadgets were slim again, if you dont count the exploding hotel. Car chases, boat chases, foot chases, aeroplane chases all were too long and poorly filmed and if you took them out there would be very little film to watch. Bond has turned back into an indestructible robot and the girls are back to being cliche and charicaturish.
Attention to all directors everywhere: Shaky cam is acceptable in very few and very limited scenarios, otherwise it is rubbish and exists only to cover up your incompetence at filming decent action scenes. It does not convey an experience of frantic disorientation or whatever you claim you might be trying to achieve, all it does is piss me off because I would rather watch the scene than 50 half second cuts of gears being changed or accelerators being stepped on.
The above also applies to EXTREME CLOSEUP in action, which I have heard explained as trying to show the protagonists emotion and/or to make it seem like the actor is really in the scene. Well guess what the emotion in all cases is "fuck i dont want to die" so it doesnt need to be shown and I dont care how many close ups I see the only time I am likely to believe the actor is doing all the fighting/jumping/falling is when it is Jackie Chan.
The plot was also ridiculous to anyone who has ever heard of Lake Baikal.