There's a giant bee on my balcony.

May 07, 2009 16:17

Really. It has to be like an inch and a half long. It's just chilling on the floor by my bee balm, being a bee (i.e., fuzzy, black and yellow, etc.). Perhaps it's waiting for the bee balm to bloom. Unfortunately, I fear it will have to wait until July.

Also, "Hazards of Love" by the Decemberists? Best. Album. Ever.

Also, I'm freaking out about applying to grad schools because my GRE scores expire in 2010 and if I don't get in anywhere I'll have to retake the GRE's and I hear that if you're over 30 that can kill you.

Also, I figured out the next tattoo I want, but I have to get somebody to draw it because I don't think I can draw well enough to sketch it out. Fortunately, there's a reputable tattoo shop (probably at least one, actually) that has artist profiles on its website where you can choose the artist by drawing style. This is, unfortunately, going to cost me a fortune, so I may just sit around and think about it for several months.

I had to get up early this morning to meet with a client, and then I drank a metric fuckton of coffee and now I can't focus on anything. Could you tell?

I biked home from work in the rain and now my sweater smells like a wet sheep.

grad school, wtf, music, work, tattoo, garden

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