"Mr. Slightly Neurotic with a Highly Sensitive Ego."

May 02, 2007 13:03

Day Three of Job Interviews: the Saga Continues. Today: Fred Meyer. Usually, when I go to job interviews, I'm hoping that they'll offer me the job on the spot. Today, I'm really hoping that they turn me down completely, because if they offer it to me then I'll feel compelled to take it because that's the sensible thing to do.

I've been reading up on research done by the professors I'd like to do research for, and I had actually forgotten how much I like reading research (as long as, you know, it's about something in which I'm actually interested and I get to take breaks before my eyes glaze over).

I read a really interesting article about autism that presented experimental evidence that parents of children of autism, while not autistic themselves, show some of the same types of impairments in social functioning as do their autistic children. One of the possible implications of this is that autism is the result of the expression of the parents' impairments, which kind of made my head spin. Now I'm really, really interested in doing research for the UW Autism Center.

Unfortunately, I'm also really, really interested in research involving brain scans of schizophrenics...and the psychophysiology of borderline personality disorder (which, as an added bonus, would give me the honor of (possibly) working with Dr. Marsha Linehan, the creator of dialectical behavior therapy, which I think unfortunately would cause me to act like a grovelling fan: "OH MY GOD, YOU'RE DR. LINEHAN. I CAN'T BELIEVE I'M MEETING YOU IN PERSON!" and so on)...and the neurobiology of affective disorders...

So yeah, as far as narrowing my research interests right now, I'm not really doing so well. -_-

In other news, I got Jehovah's Witnessed today, and although there's really no GOOD time for that to happen, I was meditating, so when the door buzzer thing went off it caused me to yelp and spring into a crouching stance, and caused my heart rate to hit, like, 170. Then I did what I usually do when the buzzer goes off: assume it's somebody who forgot their keys and wait for them to go away. They didn't, so I had to go up there and get a spiel about how we're living in the End of Days and whatnot because I didn't want to be impolite.

All right, I'm off to prepare for my job interview. Wish me luck, whatever form that might take when interviewing for a job I don't really want...

grad school, work, annoying

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