"I recently had my funk card upgraded."

Apr 30, 2007 10:09

Today begins Day One of three days of job interviews. I have another interview with the DESC today at one, an interview with a trucking company for an admin assistant position tomorrow, and an interview at Fred Meyer for a cashier Wednesday. I'm tired of ironing my fancy interview clothes and trying to find places to which I've never been before.

In addition, now I'm not sure whether I should actually take any of these jobs and maybe instead try to get a job as a research assistant in a psych lab so I can get research experience. What I'm maybe thinking of doing is just taking the job at Fred Meyer if they offer it to me (they pay their cashiers up to $15 an hour) to make some money while continuing to look for a research job. That way, even if I can't find a research job, the Fred Meyer job has the most flexible hours, so I'd be able to volunteer in a lab to get the experience.


On the plus side, I got awesome advice from the applyingtograd community, and I've actually gotten my butt in gear and started looking at the research done by the schools I want to apply to. I'm trying to identify at least one faculty member at each school who's doing research that I want to be involved in. The problem is that I'm finding it hard to narrow my focus, but I guess as long as I can tailor each application toward what I'm interested in doing at each school that shouldn't be that big of an issue. Also this is time-consuming because I have a pool of 15 schools that I'm looking at right now, although I think once I've looked at all the research areas I might narrow that pool a little bit to the 12 or so whose programs I'm really super excited about (mmmm psychophysiology of schizophrenia mmmm).

Plus Dr. Hawthorne e-mailed me back about my thank you note. He's agreed to help me out with letters of rec again this year. HE'S SO NICE. Also he runs a neuropsych clinic, in addition to being on the Pitt faculty, so it helps that he has some expertise in the area in which I'm interested.

Can't I just get paid to stay home and apply to grad schools?

Also, I'm all groggy. Sarah and I stayed up until 4am the other day drinking and watching music videos, and apparently I'm old, because I don't bounce back from that stuff as easily as I used to. -_-

Merryweather sneezed on a spider yesterday. It was freaking adorable.


Never go to sleep with wet hair the night before a job interview. I have no idea what my hair is doing, but it's not listening to me. Of course, it's a job interview for a human services job, so nobody really cares what you look like anyway, which is the great thing about working in human services.

cats, grad school, work

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