Preventing the Next Generation...

Jan 06, 2009 22:22

Two months in at the mission had done Samael good. He had started to come to terms with what he had done in Hell... the deaths, the torture, and the relationships there. When they had let him back into the computer labs, he had discretely researching the myths with Lilith and the original Samael.

The Seducer. The Destroyer. Lilith had made ( Read more... )

[muse] dean winchester, [muse] sam winchester (samael), [muse] ben braedan, [muse] lisa braedan, [muse] samantha winchester, [muse] caim, [muse] alec winchester (494)

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smart_alec494 January 7 2009, 05:57:53 UTC
When the front door of the house slammed open, Alec's body proved that eight years of Manticore training was still strong dispite the two years of civilian life. He was crouched on the floor before the banging echo had even faded.

He looked over his shoulder at his brother. Ben looked startled but okay. The cats huddled in the corner under his desk, scared, but okay. So one room down, two to go. He moved fast and low out the door.

Mom and Dad scrambling for their own bedroom door. Okay. And then the scent hit him. Demon. And not Laura. Not good. Matches and blood and ozone. He shivered and the fut he didn't have stood up.

Sammy. Sammy was the only place left. The hall wasn't long but he put everything he had into moving down it as quickly as possable. He didn't know he actually blurred from veiw. He just wanted to get to his sister. He hit her doorway without slowing.

The bad feeling nearly made him choke be he didn't freeze. He leapt and grabbed her some how remembering to be care, and held her tight to his chest as he wedged himself int ot he corner between her dresser and the wall. He had his back to the room but the important part was that he was between her and every bad thing out there. He glared over his shoulder, eyes reflecting back int he dim light and his lip curled back in a genuine feline growl.


likely_evil January 7 2009, 06:06:24 UTC
Samael held the Colt at the demon calmly. The boy was fast and quick and Samael saw him in the corner of his eye grab Samantha and get her to safety. Good. He only had to focus on the demon for a moment.

If he was too late, there was nothing he could do now.

"Didn't you learn from the first time around that this game doesn't work?" Samael sneered, his stance nothing like Sam Winchester. His head was tilted up - proud. Arrogant. The smirk of a demon boy king. His body ready to move at a moment's notice.

This was what he did. Destroyer. But this was what Sam Winchester did. Protect his family. A place where the two minds merged perfectly, and Samael had no problem letting his demon side show if it kept the family safe.

"I will not allow you to harm another member of my family as you did me. It ends here."


hasperkynipples January 7 2009, 06:18:00 UTC
Dean was in the doorway a few minutes later, looking between Sam and what he was assuming was a demon. His eyes narrowed slightly, silently asking what had happened, and he decided to deal with the demon first instead. "How the hell did you get in here?"

Caim's eyes flashed gold -- almost yellow, you could say -- and he gave them a slow smile, before reaching over to wipe off his hand. "Your wards aren't strong enough for everything, Dean. And besides -- I'm not here to cause trouble. Just looking to drop off a present for your little girl there."

Dean's heartbeat was ringing in his ears as he started to charge forward towards the demon, looking for his daughter, who was nowhere to be found. "What did you do to her, you son of a bitch." That wasn't a question. That was a demand.

"Ask your brother," Caim smirked. "I'm sure he'd love to tell you."


smart_alec494 January 7 2009, 06:32:05 UTC
Alec hissed. He couldn't help it. All the instinct and not enough training to curb it. But he did stay curled protectivly around his sister.


likely_evil January 7 2009, 13:48:17 UTC
Using his TK to push the demon back against the wall again roughly, Samael didn't keep his eyes off him.

He also didn't know if the son that was holding his sister was Alec or Ben. But seeing that it was the more instinctual, he took a guess. "Alec, look at your sister. Is there blood around her mouth or in it?"

His finger twitched on the trigger, but his other hand fell slowly to his side, fingers starting to spread. The Colt would wake the neighbors, so he wouldn't use it unless the boy said it was positive and there was blood on the baby's lips. Otherwise he would use his powers.


hasperkynipples January 7 2009, 16:05:25 UTC
Sammy was going to make that a little difficult for him. She was starting to squirm a bit, her legs kicking out from her slightly, and her hand was coming up to grab at Alec's face. She hooked onto Alec's bottom lip and pulled with her little baby strength, completely oblivious to the fact that there was a demon in the room.

"You know, Samael, your bird friend won't be able to protect her forever." Caim gave a slow shrug. Samael's telekinesis was enough to hold him in place against the wall, but it wasn't enough to keep him from making it look like he chose to be there. That he was just lounging. "We don't have to do this at such a young age. It's just -- convenient." He watched Samael's hand, before glancing over at where Alec was sitting, tilting his head to the side slightly at the hiss. "Huh."

Dean would have hissed himself, if it were possible for him to do so, making his way around his brother towards where his kids were. "You okay?" he asked Alec quietly, crouching down and reaching for both of them.


smart_alec494 January 7 2009, 17:56:15 UTC
He made a different startled noise when she grabbed his face, but pulled away with a little wince. "She's okay. I can't smell him on her. No blood." He shifted closer to his father and started to hand Sammy off to him, but then remembered the last time he'd been up against a demon in a fight. Dean had been much more useful, so Alec kept the baby. He didn't look away from Caim though. He met the man's eyes with all the feline arogance his little body could muster. His dad and uncle were gonna kick this guys ass.


likely_evil January 7 2009, 18:07:42 UTC
Samael's lips smirked a bit. Between the way Caim was talking and Alec's confirmation, he knew that he had been in time. That was what mattered. He moved quickly, lowering the Colt and lifting his other hand to psychically grab onto Caim.

"I'm here to protect them," he stated arrogantly. "And there won't be another time for you to try."

Samael started to close his eyes, planning on saying the old incantations that would destroy the demon in front of him. It was harder to focus in the human body than it had been in Hell - the body hurt in his head as he tried to do this, something he had mastered over a hundred years ago.


hasperkynipples January 7 2009, 18:17:27 UTC
Caim rolled his eyes, coughing slightly as he felt Samael try to grab onto him. "Your human form doesn't have the juice, buddy. But if you're done trying to make my boots shake, I've got places to go and people to see."

He knew that with him focusing on using his powers, Samael wasn't going to be thinking about his balance, so Caim aimed low, sending out what would feel like a small seismic wave, aiming to knock Samael off his feet and out of the way. It had enough force that it blew him back out the door behind him, and as soon as all eyes were off him, Caim was gone.

Dean instinctively moved in front of Alec and Sammy, turning his back to Caim and covering them with his body. He wasn't sure what the demon was going to do, but he could guarantee it wasn't going to be good. When the wave hit them, he pitched forward, hitting his head and stunning himself against the wall, but caught himself before he could collapse on his kids.


smart_alec494 January 7 2009, 18:38:29 UTC
Alec huddled down in front of Dean. He didn't like using his dad as a sheild but Sammy was the one that needed to be protected the most. He gave a frightened squeak when Dean hit the wall. "Dad!"


likely_evil January 7 2009, 18:50:00 UTC
It didn't work.

Samael didn't like knowing that he was weaker in this form. but as the blast hit him, all he could do to keep his hand on the Colt as he was thrown out the door into the wall just across the hall. His head hit hard and he slid down wall, fighting to keep conscious.

He tried to lift the Colt, but Caim was gone and Samael could feel him fleeing the scene. He let his arm go limp then, head falling to the side.

As it got quiet, Lisa ducked her head out from Ben's room. She had gone to protect the boys, scared that Alec was missing but didn't leave.

"Stay in here, Ben."

She saw Sam on the hallway floor and went to check on him, then walked into Sammy's room.

"Dean!" she cried out, going to his side.


hasperkynipples January 7 2009, 18:55:08 UTC
"I'm fine," Dean groaned, sitting back against the dresser so that Alec and Sammy could get out. His head was splitting and his vision was doubling, but he was conscious. He moved a hand up brushed against where he had hit his head, fingers coming back with blood on them. He swore softly under his breath, before turning back to Alec.

"You guys okay?"

He'd worry about how bad the cut was later. He was still conscious, so he figured he'd live.


smart_alec494 January 7 2009, 19:21:31 UTC
"Sammy pulled my lip." Which had kinda hurt. He shook his head. "We're okay." He gave his dad a worried look as he cuddled his sister. "You're bleeding. Where's Sam?"


likely_evil January 7 2009, 19:25:31 UTC
"He's out here," Ben's voice came as he knelt next to his uncle.

"Ben, i told you to stay in your room!" Lisa shouted as she checked over Dean's head.

"But Mom..."

Samael opened his eyes and looked at Ben, giving him a small smile as he tried to stand up. He motioned to the bedroom. "I'm ok. Listen to your mom."


hasperkynipples January 7 2009, 19:30:07 UTC
"I'm fine," Dean sighed as his vision started to realign. He took Lisa's elbows and gently pushed her away. He wasn't getting on his feet anytime soon, but he was most likely going to be fine. "Really. I've had worse."

At least he didn't get shot this time.

"You alright, Sam?" he said with a frown, shouting back in the direction of his brother. He wanted to know who that son of a bitch was so that he could kill him. But for right now, he would settle with finding out if his brother was okay.


smart_alec494 January 7 2009, 19:36:12 UTC
Alec stood up so that he could see his brother and uncle. Sam. Sam was back. He'd been able to smell Sam on Dean's clothes for a while now, but Sam was really here. Really back. Alec smiled. Because even if he had felt more comfortable around his dad in the beginning, Sam had still helped. Still stopped the bad demon from hurting him and helped to take him away from Manticore.


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