May 11, 2005 01:20
Well lets see here thing I think are going good other than my car being dead but im use to that right..then I find out that my g/f has someone come over and did not tell me intell today but that cool what every not mad why should I be im tring to trust her..And here it is im tring to be understander she trying to find work as well..But as we all can see im not mad im nice and calm..Even though I feel like we have drift apart in a big way and im try to put what need to be right and work it thought nice and calm even though it has not work out that way a few time..Now dont get me worng I do love her in many ways...Even though I had 3 people how can I say this very touch the the spirt and not in the drunk way tell me to leave her that it will not work out..But no im going to stay will her becuse I do love her and the kids as well..And there have been the last few time we of went at it over the phone I want to tell her to f@ck off and it over but im not going to do that..Well that it for now
With lots of love and peace and may the light bless you all