Oct 03, 2005 08:05
Anyways, since I'm coherent enough now, I figured I'd post about Oktoberfest.
Munich is a city with about 1.3 million people. Introduce Oktoberfest, and it probably doubles or triples in size. It was packed. People *everywhere* walking shoulder to shoulder. The actual "Oktoberfest" part is probably a few miles long in each direction and in truth, is really nothing more then a huge complex fair, but with bierhalls. These structures seem to be on the whole part permanent and every major brewer in the city and state is represented there, about a dozen or so in all. I didn't get a chance to go into one of these, as the lines were outrageously long, with many being closed off to any new admittants. All in all, the faire part was neat for all the people watching; people from all over the world were there. Interestingly enough, most of the local women, Barvarians that is, all were in local traditional garb in one form or another. Quite a sight to see. Few men wearing outfits (Lederhosen - Leather Pants), but many with traditional heavy wool coats and wool slacks of some variety, as it was quite a brisque day.
However - The true Oktoberfest for me was at this wonderful slice of heaven on earth - The Hofbrau Haus. Hofbrau is a brewery in Munich, and they have this amazingly old and wellkept bierhall. There is really nothing else on earth that I have been to that I could compare this with. As far as I know, its a unique thing to the Barvarian/Germanic culture, and on some basic level, it was a highlight of my life. Imagine several thousand people packed into a giant hall, wood tables old and pitted and well worn. Add a band, Barvarian to the core, and quite decent food. Lastly - Beer. Beer like Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory - Rivers and Rivers of Beer. So much Beer. Served in liter mugs, coyly decorated with the Hofbrau logo, slammed together every minute so in the pure revelery that can only seem to come together in a place like this. For the masses of drunk and staggering fools there were, I did not see one fight break out, or one bit of violence. Just alot of people, talking, laughing, singing, howling and buying each other beer. Men, Women, Young, Old. Everyone there just had a great time with each other, and in general, were just great people. No fighting, no yelling in anger at each other... it was great.
I know I'm a shit, but I didn't take a camera, or any pictures. I won't ever forget it though, even with the 6 liters of dark beer I drank (which tasted awesome from sip alpha to sip omega). I can only say that every human being should go there once in their life - to be reminded about what is the greatest thing about our species... that some times we can really get together and just have a good time and be great to each other.
I came away with a liter mug bearing the Hofbrau logo, which is a heavy fucker. I'm sure I could beat down a door with it without breaking. Also snagged a Hofbrau Haus hoodie, bearing said logo and the wonderful words Oktoberfest - Munchen. Lastly, just to fit in, I found myself a Footie Scarf - Bayern Munchen. Let me tell you, I have never been randomly asked by so many Barvarians who won the game. Even though I was wearing my Red Sox cap, they still only saw that scarf and wanted me to tell them in zealous glee that Bayern Munchen had won.
What a goddamned wonderful world.