Femme Deux
Tops-only bras, part two. :D
I've been posting a backlog of old creations and Sunshine Faire files lately. Now that Bodyshop is working I want to post the conclusion to my '
Femme' tops-only bra set; that is, seven more tops-only bras. All of these (except for #15) are based off of lingerie from various sets by Bruno @ MTS. The all-black one is from HP @ MTS's Fanseefem Undies set and I thought it would be an appropriate staple.
Because of mapping differences on HP's top mesh and Maxis' nude body mesh, HP's bra doesn't line up correctly. I did not fix the alpha because it is meant to be worn underneath clothing that does not show this part of the bra itself. It's in a rather indiscriminate location anyways, and I've seen worse alphas on clothes, so I'm not too concerned. XD
Given the nature of the bras it was hard for me to take normal in-game pictures, so I decided to take a few of Faye wearing one of
jesstheex's '
Leave Me Be' dresses and Femme #14. More than anything, it's meant to be a suggestion on how to pair the tops with bottoms-only dresses. Some dresses aren't suitable for these tops and some of these tops have too-lacy necklines to go with certain dresses. Ultimately, how you have your Sims wear them is your call. (:
These are not compressed and the mesh is not included... sorry. :/
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