Bronze Age Death Cults

Sep 17, 2014 00:12

Sweet FSM! There have been many times I would love to shout to my family and friends who STILL support backwards-facing, modernity-denying christian cults, "Fuck your damn Bronze-Age Death Cult!" We've been engaged in the useless ""Culture Wars"" for at least 30 years, with them losing in the war of ideas, but winning battles of PR. We've been at "war" against radical Islam since (at least) the first Gulf War and we've only succeded in creating even more fucked-up pathological radicals.It can't just be simple tribalism (i.e. "those damn libruls/hippies/peaceniks are against this, so fuck them! Bomb the shit out of those brown-skinned fuckers!" )

It often seems like Lincoln should've told Sherman to burn the whole goddamn South, since those fuckers were just too gaddamn stupid.
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