Seriously, this is beginning to sound exactly like the lead-in to a zombie flick.
it has been revealed that when ordered to stop eating the other man's face, our Patient Z (identified as one Rudy Eugene) merely "looked up at them and growled" - again, even after having been shot.
And now the cops are acknowledging that this attack isn't an isolated incident, that they have seen "three or four cases that are exactly like this". Oh, really? There have been other cannibal attacks in the Miami area? Interesting how the reporters didn't follow up on that statement.
They're blaming it on people taking "a new kind of LSD". Maybe the cops are right, and this is all just a series of incidents resulting from and connected only by the use of a dangerous drug by individuals involved in the incidents. Maybe it is just a bad batch of LSD, and the effects are unintentional. Herself speculates that it could be some kind of gang-warfare between drug cartels.
But really, in a zombie film, isn't this exactly the kind of cover story the authorities would come up with to camouflage a zombie outbreak, in order "to avoid widespread panic"?