First Week

Jan 18, 2009 00:39

So, I survived my first week! Barely.

I have some interesting classes:

- Literature and the Renaissance, which is going to be crazy-cool. More later.
- Postcolonialism, about mostly non-Western literature, with an awesome professor.
- Modern Fiction, which I'm kinda "eh" about, but it'll make me read some classics, so whatev.
- Minority Groups, my only anthropology class. It has potential, but the other students make me frustrated, angry, and sad, and the professor gets sidetracked so easily I don't think we'll make it through half the syllabus.

Track practice... While I'm not in as much pain as I was last January, I am definitely sore. Today (Saturday) we had our first track meet, in Boone. We had weights yesterday and I could feel them while I was running the mile. Not cool. I think I could have run better if my lower back hadn't felt like it was going to explode. I did okay, came in second, though I definitely should have won. :-/ Oh well. It's a starting place.

More about the Renaissance class: she is teaching it to help us learn what it's like to be "Renaissance People" (you know, someone who can do many things well--which I have always wanted to be). So we're going to have drawing lessons, speakers about art, music, and science, all kinds of fun stuff. The craziest project is called "A World Lit Only by Fire" and we have to go 12 hours without modern technology. So, no electricity, no cars, no running water. It's going to be crazy. I'll let you know how it goes. I'm excited (and apprehensive) about it. She said, "Expect to be frustrated. Expect to feel alienated. It will be very uncomfortable, but hopefully it will make you look at your life in a different way."

Okay, off to shower and then probably crash. I've been up since six, blah.

Also also! It's snowing here! Just a light dusting, but still! :)

running, snow, school

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