May 11, 2009 12:11
DAMN DAMN DAMN ORGANIC CHEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i got out of my final about a hour ago.... I AM PRAYING I GOT AT LEAST A 70... THAT IS ALL I WANT... A FREAKIN 70... I absolutely need to pass this class...
ARGH... i could not remember for the life of me the products of reactions as well as the solvents you add in to form the product... So i did bad on that.
There were three mechanism (show how you get to the beginning to the end product) questions... 1st one was fine. TOTALLY BS-ED the 2nd and just did not know the 3rd... So i just scribbled some random crap down. There were three choices of mechanisms... but i just didn't know how to do them.
THEN i made some SILLY SILLY mistakes that I SHOULD NOT HAVE MADE A MISTAKE ON. I knew the stuff... and i was confident in those topic... but no i fucked up.
Then there was the "who created this reaction" questions... yea the reactions were named after their creators but I DON'T REMEMBER STUFF LIKE THAT. I can't even remember most of their names off the top of my head if you asked me to just randomly list them...
and calc 2 - 68 on the final...I did most of the homeworks... forgot a few though. But he grades the homework. If its not done correctly or if you think you did it correctly and came up with a answer but its wrong you loose most of those points. So a handful of my homework were like that. I thought i did it correctly (i read through notes and the textbook) but get handed back with like 15/40. Hopefully he counts attendance cuz i went to every freakin boring ass class....I also have to absolutely pass this class too...
One more exam...but we never had a graded test or quiz in that class... I have no idea how he will be grading us...
Damn it all to helll........
oh i just found out on facebook that my cousin who works for google is working for youtube now... even though youtube is under the google unbrella... lol
Time to eat... then such a bad mood...
organic chem,