10 day -you- challenge: DAY FOUR

Jan 16, 2012 08:41

okay can't believe i'm back to doing this again! haha will aim to finish this challenge by this year! can't believe it took me 2 years to finish this challenge zzz.

#1: be happy!
i know this is damn vague but i just want to be happy. no more tears, no more unhappiness, no more crying, no more of these dreary stuff.

#2: know who i really am
i feel that after this exchange, i don't really know myself.. haha and people also commented like "eh you didn't use to be like this" or "why you become like this". so how was i like before? which is the real me? who am i???? sighs so lost.

#3: prada bag
HAHAHAHA i feel so materialistic for putting this here!! but i really want the bag. it's not a strong "i really want it" thing but it's just "it would be nice if i have it". i'm gonna work towards it!!!!

#4: a taiwanese boyfriend
after spending 5 months in germany (& other places in europe), i realised that i don't want an angmoh boyfriend. i want a taiwanese one. angmoh really not my type.

#5: everyone around me to be happy (& don't judge me)
i like to be surrounded by happy people, i mean who doesn't? haha okay maybe i need to be happy first before happy people come to me ): and people who don't really know me or think they know me to stop judging me zzzzzzzzzz.

#6: have more trust in people/treasure people around me
i seemed to lose faith in people haha. time to start trusting people more. okay maybe not everyone, but hmm selected few. there's only so much i can keep to myself. and i ought to start treasuring my friends more and those that are blah should just put them aside.

#7: all my wishes to come true
sorry i'm just greedy ): so please please please, let me, let me, let me get what i want this time :/


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