Aug 10, 2004 16:24
i still don't know where i'll be teaching in the fall. in the meantime, trapped in horrible training four mornings a week at the local high school (i'm not going to be teaching high school, but most trainings are held there because the furniture is large enough to accommodate adults).
most of it is useless. every now and then, there's something worth listening to. overall, as a fellow trainee said, it's like picking through owl balls for mouse bones. (what're those things called? she used the right word, but i forget it.)
fact of the day: the beer the Pilgrims drank on the Mayflower (six to eight pints a day per person) poured like molasses, tasted like vinegar, and sometimes came out chunky. that tasty fact brought to you by a weirdo from the Independence Seaport Museum who made a presentation today trying to get us to bring our kids there. no chance -- anyone who doesn't mention Native Americans or says things like "The Mayflower started the first migration to North America" will never get my business. i didn't say anything, though, as my Care-O-Meter was registering roughly zero.