Jun 15, 2007 10:24
I only bothered to collect my essays etcetera now. At the end of the year.
It's interesting because the feedback probably would've really helped on subsequent essays this semester.
Anyway, That B essay I did had lost heaps of marks for me forgetting to hand in background material. Kinda annoying but entertaining enough for me to not worry.
I found out that I need:
33% to pass cognitive psych
25% to pass social psych
and, kinda lamely
40% to pass Compsci, the easiest one.
Indeed, I'm pleased. I hate social psychology. I consider it more pretentious sociology, and simply not scientifically measured. However I owned that shit. Also, cognitive, which I like, because it's kinda noble in it's attempt to science I did moderately less well in. So I'm all up surprised.
Though the emergent norm seems to be that confidence equates to laziness on my part. In fact, that'd explain things perfectly. That and I found out how to ace an essay.
It's all about the formatting. Formatting and a good title page.
Also, if anyone wants a good degree in psych. My advice to you is to do a few papers in biology, until you understand darwin. Or just borrow one of my bio textbooks. Because it doesn't matter if you believe it or not, but if you can argue every single thing from a darwinian point of view. Bringing it back to survival means you get a guaranteed B in all essays, even better if you're good at it.
Anyway, Snow Jedis heading down on the 1st of july. Gonna be good.