Mar 24, 2007 10:39
This is nothing but a hangover remedy
1.What do you think of the most when you are alone?
2. When it is a rainy night, what do you do most of the time?
Sleep, watch episodes of house over teh intarwubs
3.When was the last time you were given roses and from whom?
Never, I'm a dude, we give them
4.What do you do when you see a full moon?
Enjoy how easy it is to see at night. Wonder why the sun and moon are always huge in films and games, but tiny over here
5. Would you rather swim in the lake or dive in the ocean?
Swim in a lake.
6. What would be the best partner of a good cup of coffee?
A sexy girl
7. If you'll ask yourself a question now, what would it be?
What if?
8. If certain things in your life will fall apart, what will you do?
Freak out / Get depressed / laugh
9. What was the hardest decision you made in your life so far?
Never you mind
10. When your friends forget you, what will you do?
Feel stink, but abandonment is a natural part of life.
11. Do you talk to yourself?
Often, right now I'm arguing over socioeconomics
12. Is there anything that you are craving for right now?
13. Single or taken?
14.Ever cried for something stupid?
I'd assume so.
15. Do you like anime?
A little bit, I get annoyed a lot, so it has to be specific (martial arts based) and without magic (chi is okay)
16. How about Japanese music?
17. What music are you into, anyway?
Dub, Stuff like the pixies and sonic youth, house music, Jazz, blues.
18. Do you have a malicious mind?
19. First thing you do after watching a movie.
take my pants off?
20. Do you wash the dishes in your house?
Yep, as much as the dishwasher lets me
21. Can you last two days without a bath?
22. Most common words in your classroom.
I have no classroom. In my lecture theatre people often say "Most Triumphant to the maxx!", but then again, you often hear 'Delta Force, Unite!"
23. The last lie you told your parents?
I have no idea, I don't lie alot
25. Still go to the mall with your parents?
26. Are you brand conscious?
sorta, I like to have brand shoes and levi jeans (they both last longer, and the shoes just look better)
27. Ever felt in-love?
28. Who do you miss right now?
No one
29. Watched any good movies lately?
Boondock saints, Wickid
30. Is it in you to kill someone?
I reckon so. I'd regret it though
31. Daydream a lot?
32. Happy with your life?
Not at the moment, but that's because I'm waiting for a frame shift.
33. You'd rather lose your mobile or your mp3 player?
34. Ever slept all throughout class?
Yep. Ritchie once fell asleep for four hours and four classes came and went without him, funny cunt
1. What's the best love story you've ever watched?
Romeo and Juliet? good fights.
2. Do u think you're ok?
Not at the moment.
3. Song playing at the moment?
Dave Brubeck - Take Five
4. One song to describe your current relationship?
Sheep go to heaven, goats go to hell?.
5. Accessories you usually wear?
Nothing, my hippie necklace broke
6.Fav color(s)?
Brown, Orange, Green, kinda blue now too, most colours that aren't red or very bright.
7. Ever donated blood?
8. Last place you went to?
Shadows, it sucked.
9. Last person u went out with?
10. The most exciting sport?
Snowboarding. Without a doubt
11. Ever had a permanent tattoo?
Too expensive for now.
12. Movie(s) u want 2 watch?
Curse of the something flower, with chow yun fat.
Leon the professional
13. Any piercings?
Nah, don't dig it.
14.The most romantic gift?
I keep my material to myself, it's gold though.
15. Act on stage before?
Romeo and juliet. I was mercutio (naturally) can you tell I'm proud?
16. Struck by lightning before?
17. Danced with your loved one before?
Yeah, but she didn't know.
18. Ever wished you could turn back time?
Always. Give myself a hiding
19. One song that's meaningful to you?
Salmonella Dub - Love your ways. Not sure hy though
20. Last person you met for the first time?
Charlotte in my Cog science paper. I used the old 'excuse me, do you know if we have a lab this week?' routine. It's perfect.
21. What will you be doing tomorrow?
Working, hung over.
22. Ever thought of robbing a bank?
I've pondered the hows and whys
23. One thing you totally regret doing?
I only regret what I fail to do
24. Do people like you?
It's kinda beginning to look like it.
25. What was the last game you played?
26. Someone who means a lot to you at the moment?
Fuck you. Mind your own.
27. The color of your mobile phone?
28. The last book you finished reading?
The Dark Knight Returns by frank miller. Kinda a graphic novel, but my workmate loaned it to me and it was wicked
29. The last person who phone-called you?
No idea. Don't get rung lots
30. Message to your loved one?
Nah, I'm tired of that. If I got a message, I tell them. I'm not holding my thoughts back anymore, it leads nowhere.
31. Anong masasabi mo sa mga tao sa mundo? [This can be translated several ways, e.g. "What can you tell the people in the world?" or "What can you say about the people in the world?"
nothing that they'd listen to. Perhaps that no one's protecting them. Half the world already knows this, but they're the hungry half.
Anyway, I finish on that rather pretentious note.