Random thoughts all day...

Aug 28, 2009 00:01

  • 01:54 @ Kyzaku the magical mystery tour is coming to take me away, take me today~ #
  • 01:56 I know it doesn't pay to be this hurt, falling off the morning, getting worse #lyrics #
  • 02:09 @ Rifurious There are so damn many of those... it's almost laughable. The next generation will be made up of strippers and boys named *aden. #
  • 02:13 Well shit. Ragnacrack is currently patching. You can never really quit orz #
  • 10:50 RT @KellyHK: A former insurance exec explains how his industry is manipulating the health debate: tinyurl.com/m9toad ... #hcr #
  • 11:01 favorited a lol 'is dis yur card?' twlol.com/tw/?1736213 #lol #ichc #
  • 11:02 favorited a lol 'In da beginnin, Ceilin Cat conjerd da erth outa thin airz.' twlol.com/tw/?1731875 #lol #ichc #
  • 11:07 Time to put together a concert warmup playlist. So excited about tomorrow! #
  • 11:13 I wish we could get anoither Scorpions concert, though. Ffff those guys are awesomeeeee. #
  • 11:17 @ jezibel have you been to Pho Saigon up on Central, just east of Louisiana? Delicious! #
  • 11:19 I hate it when I crack a nail and can't find my clippers. where are yoooooou... #
  • 11:27 I should be done with feeling sick and dead. What the fuck is this. #
  • 11:43 @ CNMonline wear good shoes and don't even bother parking in the front, it's totally packed almost all the time. #
  • 12:08 I wouldn't mind, haha. your doodles are awesome anyway #
  • 12:14 @ jezibel ABQ has a lot of really cool restaurants XD #
  • 12:17 @ Terribleprimo05 uh... freedom is an inalienable right. That's... the entire basis of what this country was founded on. #
  • 12:19 @ Terribleprimo05 are you saying the extreme wealth disparity and the classism we are beginning to see are GOOD? #
  • 12:20 @ Terribleprimo05 within the context of health care, it's more about keeping people healthy so we ALL don't get sick. #
  • 12:20 @ Terribleprimo05 bacteria and viruses don't give two craps what's in your wallet, #
  • 12:21 @ Terribleprimo05 but if you can go to a doctor and get medicine to fight it, you can keep from spreading it to others who can't fight it. #
  • 12:21 @ Terribleprimo05 it is called herd immunity, and it is a VITAL part of public health. #
  • 12:26 @ KellyHK .....what the HELL? #
  • 12:28 @ KellyHK IT'S A FUCKING BACTERIAL akjs ndfkjasdbfa oh my god what insurance is this? #
  • 12:37 favorited a lol 'Even Basement Cat needs a hug' twlol.com/tw/?1858979 #lol #ichc #
  • 13:29 @ stalebiscuits good luck!! #
  • 13:39 @ Terribleprimo05 show me an official .gov website that mentions rationing. #
  • 13:39 @ Terribleprimo05 right now, insurance companies are refusing to cover tests and life-saving treatments. that, sir, is rationing. #
  • 13:45 asdkfjnbakl shut the hell up mind, no one asked you for a damn music video #
  • 13:47 @ minstrelwolf that sucks, dude, I'm sorry. #
  • 13:49 "praying for the end of time so I can end my time with you" #lyrics\ #
  • 13:51 "you're not a judge but if you're gonna judge me, sentence me to another life" #lyrics #
  • 13:58 @ PerezHilton what if you can't trust what your mind gives you? #
  • 15:00 favorited a lol 'Care Package: You're Doing It Right.' twlol.com/tw/?989319 #lol #ichc #
  • 15:04 favorited a lol 'i missed you!!' twlol.com/tw/?1881987 #lol #ichc #
  • 15:11 favorited a lol 'uh... hoot?' twlol.com/tw/?1946668 #lol #ichc #
  • 15:15 favorited a lol 'we has an OCD humin' twlol.com/tw/?1998554 #lol #ichc #
  • 15:17 favorited a lol 'Cats:
    really just tiny ninjas in fur coats' twlol.com/tw/?1969031 #lol #ichc #
  • 15:17 favorited a lol 'i told u i'd come bak 4 u' twlol.com/tw/?2008823 #lol #ichc #
  • 15:17 okay, done with cheezburger for a while... shower time and then possibly a drive up to the crest. #
  • 17:19 Well... Here we go. #
  • 18:39 @ Terribleprimo05 right. Come back when you have proof. #
  • 18:40 Huge #hc09 rally. Will tweet hilites. NHCC in S. Valley #abq #
  • 18:42 Someones coming to speak around 7. So they say. Sometime at 8 nm time. Dunno if I can stay that long. Kinda hungry. #
  • 18:45 It feels like a convention w/o weeaboos. Disconcerting but fun. #
  • 19:03 The bus just arrived. People are chanting. Waiting to see when /b/ makes an appearance. Or repubs. #
  • 19:11 Bunch of speakers. It's more of a rally and information thing. Dude, you're preaching to the choir. #
  • 19:12 700,000 New Mexicans without health care. "make it just a little bit better for them". I want papers. More info sheets, less bumperstickers. #
  • 19:15 Huge storm behind the sandias. I wanna go... #
  • 19:27 Dr. Elaine Bradshaw is really interesting. I'd like to talk shop with her. #
  • 19:32 @ Terribleprimo05 what is the ratio of doctors to patients in those nations by chance? Specialists to patients? #
  • 21:07 @ Terribleprimo05 a "free online" med school is a horrible idea. Doctors need comprehensive education and practical experience. #
  • 21:08 @ Terribleprimo05 the dr patient ratio in the us is alright, but could be way better. We need more people accepted into med school. #
  • 21:09 @ stalebiscuits @crosshatches when do you two wanna meet re: tickets and tomorrow? #
  • 23:17 favorited a lol 'mommie, i iz sory i wuz bad kitteh plz to forgive???' twlol.com/tw/?2212433 #lol #ichc #
  • 23:18 favorited a lol 'Ollie was not only haunted by his last two lives,
    but they had no clue about personal space.' twlol.com/tw/?2147 ... #
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