Random thoughts all day...

Aug 26, 2009 00:01

  • 01:06 #onethingfortheday I feel like I did a lot of good helping patients, and I needed a good cry. Thank you. #
  • 01:08 @ txvoodoo sweet tea is heavenly. #
  • 01:09 @ weselec we're shipping convicts to Mars now? #
  • 01:23 @ LaMeep I honestly cannot imagine @stalebiscuits with a mustache. Not computing for some reason. This may be a good thing. #
  • 01:26 Goodnight, from Fishcake and me :) he's so sweet... #
  • 09:19 www.KOB.com - Pharmacy tries again to get a liquor license: tinyurl.com/ndhn5q CVS, how dare you. Clearly you aren't from here. GTFO #
  • 09:20 "but whyyyyyyyyy can't we sell booze in the warzone???? :((((((" #
  • 09:21 @ twilightesque we need to get sponges... I'll see what I can do, if I go out today, but I don't feel good. #
  • 09:22 @ twilightesque also... Thank you. #
  • 09:41 RT @weeklyalibi: Vote Today! alibi's Best of Burque Restaurant Poll 2009. alibi.com/link/2984 #
  • 09:43 yeah... what I said about being completely done with this body? totally true. auuuuugh hate. #
  • 09:57 @ tjburton it sounds to me like there might be a bend in the fuel line. Rather lousy customer service, though. #
  • 11:12 @ hypodermia I loved that movie <3 #
  • 11:13 Fish is so affectionate. "you're sick? Let me nuzzle you better." #
  • 11:17 @ hypodermia @stalebiscuits that's mean. I think that'd be really cool. Or I'm just a costuming geek. #
  • 11:18 Brb crying over $80 wigs and acrylic teeth. Damnit Grell. #
  • 11:25 Hydrocodone, why do you take do long to kick in orally? This sucks. #
  • 13:57 RT @BarackObama: Spread the truth: Don't let opponents of reform play partisan politics with health care. bit.ly/1aeWiG #hc09 #
  • 14:11 Man. I never realized just how hot Damon Albarn is. How much are plane tickets from ABQ to Manchester? #
  • 14:13 RT @Peter770: King Honored for Animal Advocacy: bit.ly/UUj01 <== there's a lot that I get up to, but animal abuse is one I refuse. #
  • 14:14 In other news, I feel better. Wonder what I should do today. #
  • 14:16 @ deckard256 a geothermal plant would do really well in NM. Might mess up the scenery, though. #
  • 14:17 @ txvoodoo those are SO CUTE #
  • 14:18 RT @txvoodoo: @TeresaKopec: To purchase the MOST FREAKING FANTASTIC COFFEE MUGS EVAH, go here: tinyurl.com/55x92v <== cute! #
  • 16:42 favorited a lol 'So der I was on mah porches when I see dis fireman stuck in tree' twlol.com/tw/?454724 #lol #ichc #
  • 16:42 favorited a lol 'ninja cat... ...was never here' twlol.com/tw/?1496695 #lol #ichc #
  • 16:42 favorited a lol 'Wai da long face? Here kitteh fix it' twlol.com/tw/?1499436 #lol #ichc #
  • 16:42 favorited a lol 'ur ninja posed no challenge next time send two' twlol.com/tw/?1489498 #lol #ichc #
  • 17:00 sleeeeeepy.... should go grocery shopping or something, though. meh. #
  • 17:23 OWWWW fuck everything that hurt. stupid neck cramps #
  • 17:26 @ Peter770 ....so.. who's the judge that keeps letting this guy walk, anyway? #
  • 17:45 @ Peter770 you almost gotta hand it to him for his tenacity, if it wasn't so awful. #
  • 18:24 RT @txvoodoo: @Hippiechick68: @galelem: Baptist pastor blames tornado on gays. bit.ly/YrNtl #lgbt what the hell? #
  • 20:17 Whoops.. Fell asleep. Guess I'll get up now. #
  • 20:23 @ txvoodoo they don't teach this in public high schools, as far as I know, and in college it's optional. #
  • 20:27 @ txvoodoo to be fair, I went to am alternative school, but the people I know who understand that concept did not learn it at APS. #
  • 20:31 @ Terribleprimo05 hey, man, 'bout those handouts... Bush gave shitloads to banks, oil companies, Halliburton, etc, and they already made bank #
  • 20:40 @ txvoodoo I only finally got insurance a couple of years ago, even though I bust my ass and work hard, and had to support a disabled b/f #
  • 20:41 @ Terribleprimo05 .....what does Obama's income have to do with anything? what? #
  • 20:46 @ KellyHK .......are you fucking... oh son of a bitch. I wish I had his number so next time medco/UHealth refuses a claim, I can call him. #
  • 21:00 @ Terribleprimo05 from a public health standpoint, if everyone has excellent coverage, outbreaks of severe disease are less likely. #
  • 21:03 and here's where I go to get a few groceries. Need some fresh air and nutrition. being cooped up sick sucks. #
  • 21:07 @ txvoodoo wow. occasionally, /b/ isn't a horrible cesspit, it seems. MY HEART IS WARMED. #
  • 21:08 RT @txvoodoo: @sideshowkat: I FOUND IT i31.tinypic.com/4fwvn9.jpg <== win. #
  • 21:10 hey, if the fight against "guvurmint-run-medicine!!!1" loses, can we get the government out of our cannabis, coca, and opium imports too? #
  • 21:11 ....hm. if so, I know what I'm buying stock in! \o\ I"ll be rich, bitches. #
  • 21:13 @ Terribleprimo05 ...huh. because UHealth, BCBS, Kaiser, PresbyterianHS, LovelaceHS, and countless others don't have prior authorizations? #
  • 21:14 @ Terribleprimo05 also, dude, we have some of the best medical schools in THE WORLD. Are you seriously telling me that doctors will get lazy? #
  • 21:15 @ Terribleprimo05 I'm one of the most ambitious people I know, and will be a doctor someday come hell or high water. and I will be EXCELLENT. #
  • 22:55 @ Terribleprimo05 watered-down version of what? No ones gonna make the medical schools more lax, and I won't graduate until 2015 or so. #
  • 23:17 @ hypodermia HAH! Oh dude, I lol'd. #
  • 23:18 I love Chopped. I always end up yelling at it, though. #
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