Random thoughts all day...

Jun 25, 2009 00:04

  • 08:02 Overslept... Is it worth it to go to class? He doesn't take attendance... I wonder when the exam is. #
  • 08:19 RT ppl run into alleys and militia standing there waiting - from 2 sides they attack ppl in middle of alleys #Iranelection #
  • 08:30 @ Kat77 I'm just RTing what was said, so others can see. I haven't put my personal opinion on it. #
  • 08:31 I don't believe in getting roped into yet another damn war in that part of the world, but I still think it's awful what's happening. #
  • 08:32 I agree that we should've fought back; if the people had organized, we could've gotten somewhere. #
  • 08:33 If you want to be pissed at something, be pissed off at American apathy and complacence. #
  • 08:34 Now. the exam is Monday, and I slept so late that if I went in to Bio, I would look like a jerk. I'm gonna get a shower. #
  • 10:20 ........Yeah, congrats. I'm pissed off. I never fucking said to bomb the joint, and I don't appreciate people putting words in my mouth. #
  • 10:20 Twitter drama is fucking stupid as fuck anyway. time to get ready for school. #
  • 10:59 @ crosshatches that is an enormous damn cake. go for it! #
  • 12:03 So pissed off. Polisci cancelled for the day. Rushed for no reason and my head is splitting. May go get a nap. Fuck. #
  • 12:49 there is some guy sharpening his pencil reeeeeeeeeeeally slowly. officially creeped the hell out. #
  • 12:50 @ crosshatches you just might win some civilian medals for that one. #
  • 13:03 @ txvoodoo don't forget the underaged boys and the drugs! #
  • 13:06 I am so pissed off at LJ and the internet here, you have no idea. holy shit. #
  • 13:20 ...so reading LJ is okay, but posting seems to be blocked. Fuck this shit. today sucks. #
  • 16:45 Raining like crazy at menaul and Carlisle in #abq ! #
  • 22:16 So fucking tired....... Gotta get furniture tomorrow, I hope, cross my fingers. I've missed my own bed. #
  • 22:17 But now, back to RR. Bleeh. #
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