(no subject)

Nov 03, 2006 22:47

My voter registration has been challenged. For those of you not in Seattle, King County lets you register as perpetual absentee, which is probably wise in this age of vote-stealing electronic voting machines. It means that you get a paper ballot in the mail, which you complete, place in a signed envelope and mail to the elections board. It saves you the trouble of heading to the precinct on voting day, but more importantly, leaves a paper trail of your vote.

I completeed mine two weeks ago, figuring the same assholes would be running on election day and mailed it in. I got a call from "Kim" at the elections board a few days after I mailed my ballot. Someone has challenged the validity of my registration. I've been registered and voted at this address without problems for the last two years.

So now I have to go down to the elections board and prove that I'm a US citizen for this election. I also have to re-register to vote in future elections. Not a terrible thing but....

Talking to my neighbors, lots of them have been challenged this year. Lots of them have to go down and go through the same paperwork, providing birth certificates or passports, proof of address and government IDs with their signatures.

Funny that it only seems to be voters in my district. I should clarify... Of course my neighbors are in my precinct. A quick, unscientific sampling of people from work who live all across the Western Puget Sound shows challenges being made only within the city limits.

Someone once described Seattle as "a 25-mile island surrounded by reality." Seattle. We're left of everywhere. I live in the 43rd. There can't be a district more liberal than the 43rd. It's Capitol Hill, the gay neighborhood. It's the University District. It's Fremont, the hippie/artist enclave with a statue of Stalin at it's heart. It's Wallingford, full of married lesbians, their immaculate homes, purple pickups in the drives and fat tabby cats watching the passing joggers from their windows.

I smell something fishy.

Now I'm hearing that many of my neighbors did no receive their mail-in ballots. Entire buildings had "mailing malfunctions."

Judging from the closeness of this race in many areas, I can't help think something is up.

Remember, as liberal as Seattle is, Washington is a purple state.

Rove is too smug. He says "his math" predicts a Republican win.

We've seen Ohio, Florida... Exit polls varying wildly from official results. We've seen the hijacking of elections from the courts halting recounts in contested areas and siding with the incumbents. We've seen video evidence of voting machines insisting on registering votes for a particular politician and not the opposition.

Be very wary, my friends. Vote what you believe. It's important your voice be heard. Make sure it is.
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